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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

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10th March 2016
Check the map before choosing your path

This hand was played by Claude Rodrigue at the Eccentric Club in London.

West led the ♠ J and declarer can see a probable 12 tricks including a Spade ruff. Clubs look like the best chance of the 13th trick (the ♣ Q may drop) with the Diamond finesse as a fall-back plan if needed.

Claude won with the ♠ A and played two rounds of trumps to which defenders both followed. Next came the ♣ A and a Club ruff, followed by the ♠ K and a ♠ Ruff. Then he ruffed a Club high and drew the last trump.

East-West have four Diamonds left between them and the remaining North-South Cards are:

North       South
 K 2        A J 7 5
♣ K J       ♣ -

Claude made his contract. How did he play from here?

He played a small Diamond to Dummy's  K, bith defenders following, then played the ♣ K.

When the ♣ Q didn't fall he played a small Diamond and East followed.

Claude played the  A and the  Q dropped as he knew it must because East's last card had to be the ♣ Q and so the  Q must be with West.

Board 3: Check the easy option first

Nobody reached the Slam at the Club.

Once North bids 4 Hearts with 17 points and two doubletons South should use Blackwood to have a look.
Having found both Aces then six Hearts is worth a try.

Six Hearts is a certainty. One Spade loser that can be ruffed in Dummy and one Club loser if the finesse fails.

In pairs overtricks can be vital. Is the Club finesse your best chance or is there another way?

What if the DQ is doubleton?

You should play off the DA and DK before touching Clubs. If the DQ drops you can dump your Club Loser.

If the DQ doesn't drop on the first two rounds then ruff a third Diamond. The DQ may drop now and if so you can still get to Dummy to discard your Club on the Diamond winner.