Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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I've been asked if we want to host a MACMILLAN event this year

Last year we did a lunch, prior to bridge session

Let Linda know what you think 

I'd suggest last Thursday in September



20th April 2017
Board 7 - Rough Wood at Baker Street

South opens 1♠ and North will bid one of 2NT (Jacoby - showing game values and 4-card support but usually denying an outside singleton), 4 (Splinter - game values with slam interets and showing a singleton), 4♠ (Game Raise), or 4NT (asking) depending on style.

East's 5 is a brave bid but does it make sense? if North-South don't have the Slam on it will be doubled and looks like it goes 3 off which at -800 is too great a scarifice against a vulnerable game. If N-S do have the slam on it is an ineffective deterrent. In fact it's dangerous as well as ineffective.

If North shows slam interest with either 4 or 4NT then 5 tells South the North has precious few points in Diamonds. That clue when added to the 'Slam Interest' clue is enough for South to deduce that North has the  A and therefore South should bid 6♠ .