Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


13th April 2017
Board 1: Counting Losers

Several pairs played this hand in Diamonds but only in a part score. East should show their Spades before raising Diamonds (see next interesting hand) but if they don't and are playing the Losing Trick Count then 4 is the right bid with a LTC=7.

West has a LTC =6, one better than East assumed, so should convert to 5 .

North leads the singleton Spade and every West playing in Diamonds should make 11 tricks but none did. Remember this is pairs so overtricks count and everyone in a Diamond part score should be trying for 11 if they are safely there.

Declarers in suit contracts should always count losers and make a plan before calling for a card from Dummy. What should West's plan have been?

West counts three to five losers depending on how the Diamonds split.

 J 5 and ♣ J plus one diamond if they split 3-1 or two Diamonds if they split 4-0.

There's nothing to be done about a 4-0 split but declarer can afford a 3-1 split provided they ruff the two losing hearts before drawing trumps.

West's plan should be:

Win the first Spade, play  A and ruff a Heart.

Cross to  K and ruff the last Heart.

Cash the  A in case they break 2-2. When they dont cash the Spades and let the defence take the ♣ A and  Q when they wish.

Board 1: Counting Winners

Two Easts remembered that just because West opened 1 that doesn't mean they haven't also got four Spades.

The 3♠ assumes a LTC=9 for East's simple response which East converts as they have a stronger hand than assumed.

South leads the  J. What should East's plan be?

East can count  losers and see a way to make 10 tricks unless trumps split 4-1 and Diamonds 3-1.

To counter that threat East should let the  J win.

Yes that gives a possible ruff to South but n hat case you were always losing a trick in Diamonds anyway.

East must also count winners.

Four trumps in one hand,  A and a Heart ruff and four Diamonds brings home 10 tricks.