Little Clacton Bridge Club
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

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26th January 2017
Bd 27: Lucky for some?

A tricky hand to bid. West is too strong for a weak jump overcall which is why I prefer 2 . Perceived wisdom is to avoid risky slams at pairs so most North-Souths will stop in game. Perceived wisdom is quite right on this hand as those Nort-Souths that scored 4♠ +3 earnt themselves 75% on the board.

The key to a good score is making the 13 tricks available, once you have bid game

Can you see how to do it?

The defence can help you by leading a Diamond, or make life very tough by leading the ♣ K, but let's assume they lead the more normal  K

You have a Club loser in your hand and the only chance to get rid of it is on Dummy's fourth diamond

Draw trumps in two rounds then play the  J and finesse the  K if West plays low.

On the second round of Diamonds play the  9, covering whatever West plays. Make sure you notice that East plays the  8.

You've now set up a finesse on the third round of Diamonds, allowing you to discard your losing Club on the fourth

Isn't that a risky way to play the Diamonds? Yes it is and if you are only in 4♠ or 6♠ you are probably wiser to give up a Club and ruff two rounds of Clubs to set up the fifth Club on which to discard your third Diamond