Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


5th January 2017
Board 5: 6 card Minor or 5 card Major?

Happy New Year! And a new dilemma to start the New Year. What do you open with this hand?

Well the rule is: "with a single longest suit, open it" and in this case the rule works fine.

You open 1 promising at least 4 Diamonds. Your 2♠ rebid is a reverse showing a Strong hand promising at least 4 Spades but implying a fifth Diamond since you chose to open Diamonds. The reverse is forcing for one round so East bids 3 and now you should bid 3♠ promising a fifth Spade. The fact you opened Diamonds still implies you have more diamonds than Spades.

East knowing you have 16 points is now happy to bid 4♠ as they are sure you have an 8-card Spade fit between you

Board 16: 15+10=25

Not everyone was in 3NT but with 25 points between you it looks the right spot

The auction given is for a weak NT and once the 2NT rebid shows 15-16 North with 10 points should bid game

Playing a strong NT the auction should be even shorter i.e. 1NT - 3NT

The  5 is the most likely lead giving you the first trick, how should you plan the play?

You have one trick and need eight more.

The Spade suit is screaming 'Danger!' so you need to try and take your eight tricks before losing the lead. You can do that if the Club finesse works so cash the Diamonds ending in Dummy and play the ♣ J playing low from hand if East doesn't cover with the ♣ Q.