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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


Test Your End Play Skills
End Play Exercise

This testing hand came up on Bridge Club Live. South (Declarer) is on lead having lost two tricks.

They can only lose one more and the  A will definitely be lost so you can not lose any other tricks if you are to make your contract.

The contract is makeable. Can you see how?

You can throw one Spade on a Diamond but you don't have a third Diamond on which to throw away Dummy's second losing Spade. West does though...

The trick here is to throw West in with the  A when she has no choice but to lead a diamond on which you throw the third Spade whilst you ruff in hand, or lead away from the ♠ K allowing you to play the ♠ Q which holds. Card-by-card it goes:

Play the  Q, West Covers and you ruff. You need to be back in hand to play the  J and the best way is to ruff the ♣ Q (yes I know it's a winner but the entry to your hand is more important). Now play the  J and throw the ♠ 2 from Dummy. Then exit with a Heart to West's  A. She can now only lead a Diamond (Ruff and Discard ♠ 6) or a Spade allowing you to win a trick with the ♠ Q.

This is called an Elimination Play because you eliminate suit(s) before throwing a Player in, leaving them with no choice but to give a trick away.