Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


10th November 2016
Hand 4: Tough to bid and tough to make

With a balanced 29 count settling for 3NT is the percentage play here.

The ♠ 3 is the normal lead. Declarer wins the ♠ J in hand and counts three Spade tricks (♠ Q is marked with South on the lead), two Hearts, and three Diamonds. How well you do on this hand will depend on how well you play the Club Suit. Low towards Dummy's ♣ KQ is the right start, coming back to hand with  A and playing a second Club if you win the trick. Fortunately South is forced to play ♣ A on the second round and so you collect four Club tricks making a total of twelve.

A Diamond lead makes it more difficult to make twelve tricks but it is still possible. Can you see how?

A 'Viennese Coup' will Squeeze South in the Major Suits and deliver your twelfth trick.

Win the first trick with the  Q then cross to the  A and lead a low Club. Back to the  K and a second small Club which loses to the ♣ A.

Now cash the  AK throwing the ♠ 7. Cross to the ♠ K and cash the Clubs.

After you have played the last Club you are left with ♠ 9 and  J in Dummy opposite ♠ A 10 in your own hand and South still has to discard. If South discards  Q on the last Club you make the  J and the ♠ A. If South keeps the  Q they must bare the ♠ Q in which case you play a small ♠ to your ♠ A, the ♠ Q falls and your ♠ 10 becomes your twelfth trick


Board 13: Easier to bid, easy to play (with fingers crossed)

East should open 1♣ under the 'rule of 20'. West knows they are going to play in Spades so may as well go straight to Blackwood. Discovering two Aces in East's hand means West can confidently bid 6♠ knowing that the second Heart can be dumped on the ♣ A.

East's hand is disappointing as there is no way to get rid of Declarer's fourth Diamond. As it turns out though the 3-3 Diamond split comes to the rescue and the slam is safe.