Little Clacton Bridge Club
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

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27th October 2016
Hand 1: Looking for Overtricks

In Pairs overtricks matter. Nobody made eleven tricks here although they were there for the taking.

As always declarer counts losers and sees one Heart (whch may be finessed) and three Clubs (one of which may trumped if Dummys trumps hold out long enough).

Best lead for the defence is a trump which although it takes away the need for the trump finesse makes it impossible for Declarer to trump a Club loser (trumping a Club means losing the lead twice and you can bet the defence will lead a second and third trump when you do, after which you will have no trumps left in Dummy to ruff a losing Club).

There is still a chance for an overtrick though. Can you see it?


Once you have drawn trumps you are left with three Club losers in hand. You should try the Diamond Suit.

Play off the  A and  K in case East has a doubleton  Q or  J. If either of these Diamond honours falls then play the  10 next and take a ruffing finesse.

If West doesn't play the remaining Diamond Honour then throw your losing Club. Worst case East wins the trick, best case you make an overtrick.

If West does play the remaining Diamond Honour then trump it and cross to Dummy with the ♠ K before throwing your losing Club on the  9.

Not easy to see the chance at the table, and not easy to see that it is a risk-free chance, but it's worth developing the habit of looking for slim but safe chances.