Little Clacton Bridge Club
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

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22nd September 2016
Board 26: Right bid - wrong result

I feel really sorry for the East West pair that bid 5♣ which is the perfect sacrifice and should have earnt them a top. The reason it didn't is that two North South's failed to make the 4♠ that is there for the taking.

The bidding can go different routes. South has a rule of 20 opening but a weak 2 has more preemptive value. West can show a strong suit within a strong hand by doubling before bidding Clubs. North should bid Spades which South should support.

The best defence is to lead a Trump. What is declarer's best line?


In a suit contract always count your losers first. You have six: 3 Hearts, 2 Clubs, and a Diamond.

There is no way you can dump any of them but you can Trump the two Club losers. Provided you don't misguidedly draw trumps first.

The best plan is win in hand. Trump a Club. Back with a Heart. Ruff another Club. You aren't out of the woods yet though as you are still at risk of a Heart ruff. You can place most of the points in the West hand from the bidding but you just have to hope West has the  K without the third Heart that would give East a ruff. You also need West to have the  A so they can't pass the lead across to East and get that Heart ruff themselves.