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28th January 2016
Getaway Car(d) stolen in Hold-Up!

Thanks to Victor Mollo for this hand which appeared in 'I Challenge You', one of my two favourite books on card-play technique.

East leads the ♠ Q and when dummy plays low West overtakes with the ♠ K and returns the ♠ 7. Do you hold up the ♠ A or play it now? When you have answered that, or maybe as part of working out your answer to that question, what is your plan to make your contract?

You must play the ♠ A now for two reasons. Firstly there is no reason to hold up because if West gets the lead again and has a third Spade then East can only have started with four Spades and the suit is not dangerous.

Secondly it enables you to guarantee you make your contract.

Win the ♠ A then cash ♣ A K Q. Now play a third Spade - I know it feels like suicide but it isn't. Imagine East has all three remaining Spades (this is most likely given the way West played the Spades) then East can cash three Spade tricks but must then either play a Club putting you directly in Dummy or play a red suit. The red suit lead either gives you an immediate entry to dummy's Clubs if dummy's high card holds the trick or at worst gives you an entry to dummy at the very next trick if it doesn't.

So if you hold up the Ace of Spades then your Getaway Car(d), the three of Spades, goes missing in the Hold-Up!

Hand 1: Bridge or Snakes & Ladders?

If North opens 2  (Weak two, 6-10 points, 6 card suit, no side 4-card Major)

East should Pass (a double would be for takeout) and South must Pass because you need 15 points to bid on after partner’s weak two (when you are in a hole stop burrowing)

Now West has the perfect balancing or re-opening takeout double which North Passes and which East must Pass as well. East’s hand is such bad news for declarer that it is OK to leave the takeout double in and convert it to a penalty double.

South can see the Storm clouds gathering over his partner and is probably worth one try at rescuing into 3♥ , which even if doubled converts a minus 300 score for 2♠ -2 into minus 100 for 3♥ X-1.

If North Passes and East opens 1  (rule of 20)

South can Double or overcall 2♥ . A double followed by a Heart bid would show a strong suit and a strong hand so I prefer the overcall of 2♥ to the takeout double.

West now also has two choices: 3♣  or 2 No-Trumps. I prefer 3♣  because West has only one Heart stop and the quality of East’s Spades is unknown.

If West bids 3♣ then East cannot pass and must bid 4♣  at which point West should remember they forced East to bid and ask themselves whether they have any strength not already shown by their 3-level change of suit. The answer is not really and West should Pass.

If West bids 2 No-Trumps then East could Pass and trust their partner but with a probable lack of entries to the Spade suit in No-Trumps should probably bid 3♠  which West should Pass.