Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


18th August 2016
Board 1: The missing Four Spades Contract

EW have a perfectly good 4♠ contract but nobody found it.

After East opens 2NT South has a dilemma. They could overcall to make life difficult for opps, suggest a later sacrifice, and inform their own defence if it comes to it. They could also Pass and give EW enough rope to hang themselves. At love all any penalty they can squeeze from opps will be low.

3 might just make, and if it doesn't then the penalty is low so over calling is probably best.

In the auction shown South passed and now West must use Stayman in whatever flavour they paly it to find the obvious Spade game. 

If South does overcall 3 (or it goes 1 - 1  or 1 - 2 ) then West should double. This is a negative double for take-out and is best played as showing exactly. four cards in any unbid Major. Many only play negative doubles to 2♠ but this hand shows why it is worth playing them to at least 3♠ .

What should South lead against 4♠ , and how should East plan the play?



South should lead the singleton  4.

East should win with the  J then cash ♠ AK to try and prevent a diamond ruff by South. When the ♠ Q doesn't drop it is best to leave South to take it when they can.

Play off the  A and if South doesn't ruff the  K and if South still doesn't ruff another diamond.

You should only lose a Spade and a Heart.