Little Clacton Bridge Club
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


11th August 2016
Board 1: 13 points opposite opening values = Game!

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. East doesn't have 12 points but can and should open 1♣ using the rule of 20 (high card points + combined length of two longest suits ≥ 20).

South should double for take-out (short in opened suit).

West bids a straightforward 1♠ and North no longer forced to bid should Pass.

East is too weak to rebid 2 (that would be a reverse showing 16+ points) so must rebid 2♣ .

West has 13 points opposite an opening hand. They have every suit stopped except the one their partner has bid twice. West should bid an automatic 3NT.  

North should lead  10. You are West what is your plan to make the contract?

Normally you would play for the drop of the ♣ Q but South's double hints at a shortage in Clubs so you should try the finesse. Of course you should cash the ♣ A first in case either defender has the singleton Queen.

If you don't try the Club finesse but play for the drop what do you do when it fails?

You can't concede a Club as the defence will then cash four Diamonds to defeat your contract but you still have a (slim) chance.

You must play South for three Spades including ♠ K J. Play ♠ 10 from Dummy covering whatever card South plays then return to dummy with  K to repeat the finesse and you make your contract.