Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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I've been asked if we want to host a MACMILLAN event this year

Last year we did a lunch, prior to bridge session

Let Linda know what you think 

I'd suggest last Thursday in September



4th August 2016
Board 1: Boldness has beauty and magic within it - Anais Nin

1 -  1 is a straightforward opening but then East has a dilemma. I prefer a 1♠ rebid to 3 because West has not denied four Spades at this stage although there is slight risk because 1♠ is not forcing.

When West bids 3NT over 1♠ suggesting a Losing Trick Count of 7 then East (with a losing trick count of 5) knows slam may be on. It is notoriously difficult to check for Aces when you have a void so West may as well bid 6 .

6 is an easy make. East wins whatever is led in hand. Draws trumps. Plays  A and another Heart, overtaking in Dummy and continuing Hearts until the  K appears.