Little Clacton Bridge Club
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

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7th April 2016
Board 3: Elusive Game

Some pairs bid game, others made enough tricks for game. Only one pair bid and made game.

Playing a weak NT West opens 1NT and if North passes this then East transfers to show five Hearts then jumps to 3NT which West passes. If North overcalls 2♣  or 3♣ East still has values for game so should bid 3 which West should convert to 3NT.

If West opens 1  North is likely to bid 3♣  and East should bid 3 with West converting this to 3NT knowing that with a six card suit East would have the option of going back to 4 .

Against 3NT North can do no better than lead a Club. Winning with the ♣A delarer should immediately attack Diamonds. When North wins and plays a second Club declarer sees that it is perfectly safe to finesse into the South hand when South shows out of Clubs. It is important that declarer tries the Spade finesse first as that way the  A provides an entry to try the Heart finesse and you can take both in turn.

Board 5: Elusive Slam

Only one pair bid a slam here.

East opens 1♠  and West should bid 3♣. This jump is game forcing and shows at least six Clubs and at least 16 points.

East can now bid 4♣ to agree the trump suit knowing that West will not pass until at least game is reached

If East-West are playing cue bids as first round controls then West knows that East has the ♠ A and can go straight to 6♣ taking the first 12 top tricks when trumps behave.

If 4♠ can show either the ♠A or the ♠K then West should use Blackwood to check that East has an Ace before bidding 6♣.