Little Clacton Bridge Club
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I've been asked if we want to host a MACMILLAN event this year

Last year we did a lunch, prior to bridge session

Let Linda know what you think 

I'd suggest last Thursday in September



31st March 2016
Roman Key-Card Blackwood

Playing Roman Key-Card Blackwood 4NT asks how many Key-Cards (as opposed to Aces) do you have?

There are 5 Key Cards: the four Aces and the King of Trumps.
If Trumps have not been agreed they are taken to be the last suit bid.
e.g. Spades in both 1♠ -3♠ - 4NT and 1  - 2 - 2♠ - 4NT auctions.

After 4NT: 5♣ = 0 or 3; 5 = 1 or 4; 5 = 2 plus the Queen of Trumps; 5♠ = 2 without the Trump Queen.

On this hand that I played online South has 4-card trump support and a Losing Trick Count of 7 which is enough to bid 4♠.
North is too good to pass with 17 High Card Points, and a 5-5-2-1 shape so bids 4NT.

Playing ordinary Blackwood North will find out you ahve all the Aces but still doesn'know about the ♠K.
Playing R(oman) K(ey) C(ard) B(lackwood) South will anwer 5 showing both the missing Ace and the ♠ K, allowing North to bid 6♠ with confidence.

The lead is the  J, plan the play.

As always start by counting Losers in Declarer's hand.

You have one Heart and four Clubs.
There's not much you can do to get rid of the Heart loser but you can get rid of the Clubs (provided they split 4-3).

Win the  A, play ♣ A, ruff a Club small,  A, ruff a Diamond small, ruff a second Club small.

Now you can cross-ruff with your Master Trumps making three Aces and all your nine Trumps separately.

This hand contains the clearest case of a compelling reason to delay drawing trumps that I've seen

Board 16 - Jacoby 2NT and RKCB pave way to Slam

East's 2NT is 'Jacoby' showing at least game values and 4-card Spade support. This hand is a perfect example of its value in keeping the auction low and giving room to explore a slam.

Different pairs continue after 2NT (Jacoby) in different ways but I like the simple approach that says 'we have agreed a trump suit and are in a game forcing auction so all non-trump suit bids are now cue bids'.

3♣  shows the ♣ A, 3 the  A, 3 the  A, 4 the  K.

Now West can use Roman Key Card Blackwood (explained in the first of this week's hands).

East's 5♠ says I have both missing key-cards (the  A and the ♠ K and I also have the ♠ Q).

Cautious Wests might settle for 6♠ but those bold enough to bid 7♠ make it on the   finesse.