Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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I've been asked if we want to host a MACMILLAN event this year

Last year we did a lunch, prior to bridge session

Let Linda know what you think 

I'd suggest last Thursday in September



24th March 2016
Board 3 - knowing how far to go....

This hand is about not being put off your stride by your opponents (only one NS bid 4  in the club)

South should Pass and West open 1♥.  Now the fun starts!

North with a good 6-card suit and 6 to 10 points has the perfect hand for a weak jump overcall.

East musn't give up yet or they will be pushed off too many contracts they should be bidding and making. 
If your right-hand opponent overcalls you can raise your partner's suit on a slightly weaker hand than normal.

With 16 points, 3 tens, and a singleton diamond West should push to 4  even though East isn't full value for their 3  raise.

To make ten tricks start by counting your losers. You have a Spade and a Diamond loser you can do nothing about so it follows you can only afford to lose one Club. What is the best way of ensuring that?

The best chance is that the Club honours are split with the defenders having one each. That means you need to finesse twice so be careful when you draw trumps.

When you get to dummy with the second Heart you must take a Club finesse then when you're back in cross to dummy's last Heart and then take another Club finesse - contract made!

Board 4 21 May 2015 3NT vs a Major Fit

Only one pair out of four found 3NT at the Club.

The key bid is 3 by South. It is game forcing and opens the way for North to bid 3NT if they have Hearts covered. It also shows a fifth Spade by implication if you are playing 4-card Majors.

With only two Spades and Hearts well and truly stopped North has an easy choice and should bid 3NT.

You should make three Spades, five Clubs, and the two red Aces.