Little Clacton Bridge Club
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11th April 2024

Start 12.30

Buffet lunch provided


22nd March 2018
Board 3: Rule of 20

This is a hand of dilemmas. E/W always played in Hearts, often in 2 but N/S can bid and make 3♠ .

South should open 1♠ . This is a perfect 'rule of 20' hand and green vs red is no time to be ultra-cautious.

West should Double for Takeout with opening values and a tolerance for the unbid suits.

North should bid 2♠, even if playing 4-card Majors, due to the pre-emptive value of a 2♠ bid and the probability that South either has five Spades or extra values making their hand too strong to open 1NT.

East could bid 3. If West's Double promises four Hearts (some play it that way others don't) then this is just bidding to the level of the fit. Even if it doesn't then letting your opponents play in a 2-level part-score is rarely winning Bridge.

If East does bid 3 then with five Spades and a LTC=6 South should bid 3♠ . 

If West now bids 4 they need to get the Diamonds right otherwise 4-2 is worse than letting 3♠ make.