Little Clacton Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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I've been asked if we want to host a MACMILLAN event this year

Last year we did a lunch, prior to bridge session

Let Linda know what you think 

I'd suggest last Thursday in September



11th January 2018
Board 2: Right lead needed to defeat 3NT

The auction is largely going to depend on how East values their hand at their second turn to bid. They only have 14 Points which is strictly too weak to reverse but the shape and the solid Club suit make a strong case for upgrading. 

Two pairs played this in 3NT and both made it although the right defence can defeat it.

With Hearts bid by West the likely lead is the ♠ 2. If South switches to a Heart rather than cash ♠ A K and play a third Spade then the defence make two Heart tricks and three Spades for one down.  

If South plays out Spades then Declarer makes their contract with six Clubs,  A K, and the master Spade.

If North-South find the following: ♠ 2-♠ A,  Q ( K)  A, ♠ 3-♠ K,  9 then NS can take the first seven tricks (four Hearts and three Spades)