Spade Heart  Diamond Club
Competition Rules

General Rule

The general rule in all club competitions is that all members and guests are welcome to participate  in the events and gain master points , but only full members can qualify for a prize or trophy.


Specific Competition Rules

Dagwell Trophy.

A yearlong event  played over twelve monthly sessions running from May to April the following year

Each named pair must compete at least eight of the possible sessions to qualify

The final results will be calculated by simple average


Handicap Pairs.

Played every month of the year except December

Each pair's base score will be adjusted by a handicap percentage (+ or -)

This handicap percentage is calculated on an ongoing basis by the Bridgewebs software based on the pair’s previous performance in all pairs events

Each named pair must compete at least 7 of the possible sessions to qualify

The winners will be the pair with the best post-handicap score over the club year , calculated by a simple average of the monthly scores


Pivot Teams (Beth Orchard Trophy)

Teams of four event  usually played over  24 boards

Each member of the team will play a certain number of  boards with each of the other three members of the team.  (The number of teams taking part will affect the movement , so a player may not play an equal amount of boards  with each of their three partners.)


Mixed Teams (Morningside Cup)

Teams of four event  usually played over  24 boards

A qualifying Mixed Team consists of two pairs , each comprising a male and a female player

Teams (Betty Telford Trophy)

Teams of four  played in March usually 24 boards. The trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest score in this event