Leighton Buzzard Bridge Club
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Leighton Buzzard Bridge Club Constitution

1. Name

a) The name of the club shall be Leighton Buzzard Bridge Club.

2. Objects

a) The objects of the Club are to promote good fellowship, entertainment and social  intercourse for the benefit of the Members and to provide a place where suitable refreshments and amenities are available.

3. Constitution

a) The Club is a Members' club.

b) Membership of the Club shall be open to persons of both sexes.

c) Every Member of the Club shall not by reason of his/her Membership be under any financial liability except for payment of his/her annual subscription.

4. Management

a) The affairs of the Club, except in those matters reserved under the rules of the Club in General Meeting, shall be managed by a General Committee.

b) The General Committee shall exercise the powers given to it by the rules and shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members, all of whom shall be elected at the General Meeting.

c) The Officers shall be Members during their respective terms of office and shall be eligible for re-election.

d) If a casual vacancy occurs in the General Committee by the death, resignation, suspension or expulsion of one of the Members, then the General Committee may appoint another Member of the Club to fill the vacancy and hold office until the person whose office he/she fills would have retired and shall be eligible for re-election.

e) Elections to the General Committee shall be held at the Annual General Meeting.

5. Membership

a) Membership of the Club is open to any individual and is deemed to have started on receipt, by the Club, of payment of the annual subscription.

6. Subscriptions

a) The annual subscription for Members shall be agreed by a General Meeting of the Members.

b) Annual subscriptions shall be payable on becoming a member. Thereafter they shall be due and payable on 1 January in each year and shall be paid on or before January 31 in each year. The General Committee may terminate membership of any person who fails to pay his/her subscription by January 31.

7. Conduct of members

a) If the General Committee considers that any Member's conduct either inside or outside the Club premises is contrary to the interests of the Club and injurious to its reputation, they may terminate that person's Membership.

b) Any person whose Membership is terminated under these rules, shall immediately be excluded from the Club premises, and shall have no claim against the Club, the General Committee or any member thereof, except that any unexpired portion of his/her subscription shall be refunded.

8. Bye-Laws

a) The General Committee may from time to time make, vary or revoke Bye-Laws (not inconsistent with these rules) for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Club and conduct of its Members. Until revoked, all Bye-Laws shall be binding on Members.

9. Honorary and Associate Members

a) The General Committee shall have the power to admit to Honorary Membership persons either by virtue of their service to the Club or for any other good reason, and to admit to Associate Membership the husband or wife of a Member.

10. General Meeting

a) There shall be a General Meeting of the Club at least once in every year and fifteen months must not elapse without a General Meeting. The business transacted at the General Meeting shall include the presentation of the audited accounts, the election of members of the General Committee, the appointment of officers for the ensuing year and any other business, notice of which must be given in writing to the Secretary.

b) The General Committee may summon a General Meeting at any time on reasonable notice.

c) A Special General Meeting may be called by the Secretary if summoned to do so by not fewer than ten Members who join together requiring the Secretary to call one.

d) At the General Meetings of the Club, the voting shall be confined to Members of the Club other than Associate Members, and every Member shall be entitled to be present and give one vote and no more on every question put to the vote, provided that in case of equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

11. Disputes

a) Any dispute arising out of, or not covered by, these rules shall be referred to the General Committee, whose decision is final.

12. Revocation of rules

a) These rules or any of them may be added to, repealed, amended or replaced by resolution at the General Meeting provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless carried by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the total members at the meeting.