Join us on Wednesday evenings (6:50 for 7 PM)
for Duplicate Bridge in the Knowle Village Hall
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Data Protection (GDPR)

Data Protection Statement

6 May 2018.
The club considers itself liable for compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will comply as follows.
For any member or attendee at a club event, the club may hold contact, payment and playing information including, but not restricted to:

Telephone Numbers
Email Addresses
Any additional contact method yet to be devised
Payments Made
Attendance and Playing Performance

The club will hold this information for as long as necessary for good housekeeping, playing records and tournament results.

The information will be used for the normal day-to-day running of the club only.

It is conceivable, but very unlikely, that the club may enter into an affiliation with a third party (the most obvious example might be the English Bridge Union) with whom it is necessary to share the information.

It is also conceivable, but very unlikely, that the data may be used, very exceptionally, to inform attendees of coming local bridge events of relevance to the club.

The data will not be shared with any other party or used for any other purpose.