Release 2.19r
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Many members are showing up late. 
This delays the start of Bridge. 
Players must be seated by 7:20. 
When you enter the hall,
please go to the table
where you wish to play and
sit down.
The Club is now at capacity accommodation wise, so your co-operation is earnestly requested.
Players may not be accommodated for a game if they arrive after 7:20
Enjoy your Bridge
A2 and B
General Club Rules
General Club Rules


General Club Rules 

To facilitate the smooth running of the weekly competitions, players, if requested by the TD are obliged to play in an alternative section. 

       Players must accept to take an average when directed by the TD.   The boards can be played at the end of the evening if both pairs so wish. 

      Laws of Duplicate Bridge apply. 

Major Competition Rules 

     All players must be paid-up members of the Knocklyon BC and the Bridge Centre. 

      Players must have played at least 3 times in the past 2 months excluding bank holidays.

     Committee’s discretion applies with regard to illness or such like. 

      Players must play in the section they normally play in or play up one level to facilitate a partner.

      Spectators are not permitted. 

     Only those who have pre-entered a major competition are eligible to play in it unless it suits the competition layout and/or Tournament Director to allow extra players. 

     Once entries have been submitted please notify a member of the committee should you be unable to play. 

      Should a player be substituted on the second week of a competition then that pair/team are not eligible to win one of the top prizes. 

In Teams competitions:   

Teams of 4 are standard.    

      Pre-entered Teams of 5 are permitted. 

      This is useful where a player is not available to

      play both weeks.

      Please note:  all 5 names must be pre-entered. 

      (The team is eligible to win one of the top 


Last updated : 18th Feb 2013 13:18 GMT
Rules, Ethics and Etiquette of Bridge

There are certain standards expected in good Bridge circles and we in Knocklyon Bridge Club try to maintain these standards.  Etiquette and procedures are there to make sure all of us get the best out of our evening.  Please read this notice and if you have any questions or need clarification please contact the committee.


Bidding Boxes

Decide what you want to bid then bid decisively – don’t hover over the box or finger the bidding cards.


Announcements- there are 3 announcements:

  1. When partner opens 1NT you state the range e.g. “12-14”
  2. Over 1NT if partner responds 2D or 2H as a transfer, you say “Transfer”.
  3. When partner opens a “short” or “prepared minor”, you say “may be short”.

Use of the Alert Card

  1. All conventional bids up to 3NT should be alerted.
  2. Whenever an ‘alert’ is required, the ‘ALERT’ card should be shown to both opponents making sure it is seen by both before it is replaced in the box.
  3. The ‘alert’ is made by the partner of the person making the alertable call.
  4. No explanation should be given unless an opponent asks for it on their turn.
  5. Either opponent may ask for an explanation when it is his/her turn to bid.
  6. Do not alert above 3NT unless it occurs in the first round of bidding.

Use of the STOP Card

  1. The ‘STOP’ card should be placed on the table with any jump bid and should stay there for about 10 seconds.
  2. The next player may not bid until it is removed.

Pauses/Hesitation during bidding

  1. Avoid long pauses before bidding. A pause may tell your partner that you might have made another bid and give him/her illegal information.
  2. Partner must never take advantage of information received because of a pause, and may be penalised for doing so. In fact, it is often ethically correct not to bid again once you partner has paused.

Bidding Cards

  1. The bidding is not finished until there have been 3 passes.
  2. Once the bidding is finished, the bidding cards should be left on the table until the opening lead is made.



Opening Lead

  1. The person making the lead should ask any questions about the bidding before leading.
  2. The opening lead should be made face down.
  3. At this stage partner and declarer may ask any questions.
  4. The lead should then be faced up and dummy put down


  1. Dummy must not touch the cards during play, until declarer has called to play a particular card.
  2. Dummy should not comment on the play but if declarer fails to follow suit may say “having none, partner?”.
  3. Dummy may remind declarer which hand to lead from(e.g. "On the table partner")

Speed of Play

  1. Play at an even tempo. Don’t play too fast or too slowly.
  2. Each board should take about 7 minutes (a round with 2 boards less than 15 minutes and 3 boards not much more than 20 minutes).
  3. Slow play irritates other players and may lead to penalties.

Other Points

  1. The board should be left on the table during play facing the correct way.  This helps to prevent misboarding.
  2. A defender may ask partner “having none, partner?” if s/he does not follow suit.
  3. Until a lead is made to the following trick, declarer or either defender may re-examine his own last card played, taking care not to expose it to any other player.
  4. A player who has not turned over his card may request all cards just played to be refaced.
  5. Always call the Tournament Director if there is any disagreement or you are unsure about the correct procedure.


  1. Check the number of tricks before you fold the cards.
  2. Check that the score has been recorded correctly. It is North’s responsibility but East/West should agree the score.
  3. When Bridgemates are being used, it is important that either East or West check that the score is entered correctly before pressing the ‘Accept’ button.


  1. Avoid discussing the hand at length after play is concluded.
  2. Don’t be critical of partner’s mistakes, no matter how bad they are. Always compliment your partner or opponent on good play or bidding.
  3. Above all, remember that Bridge is a game and meant to be enjoyed. Make sure it is enjoyable for all the other players at the table.


Mobile Phones

Please ensure that your mobile phone is either on SILENT or switched off during play.



Last updated : 10th Oct 2017 12:54 GMT