Kirkcaldy Bridge Club
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Awarding of Master Points
Information from John Wilson

Award of Master Points

This is an extract of an e-mail from John Wilson (SBU Director) outlining the three different types of  M P award (in Scotland) to  cover different types of tournament.

Firstly: the basic award for a two - winner (ie Mitchell - type) tournament.

Starts with 10 as the minimum award, increasing in increments of 10 for each award in the event.

Secondly: a scale for Howell and arrow - switch Mitchell one - winner events

Starts with 6 as it minimum and increases in increments of 6.

Thirdly: the individual award.

Starts with 6 and increments in 3s.



In the case of tied places, awards are allocated amongst the contestants on the basis of the minimum award.


  • In a 6 table 2 Winner or Teams movement there would be 2 awards for each direction, 20 and 10.  If 2 contestants tied, allocation would be 15 - 15. If there was an outright winner then 2 or more tied contestants, each would get 10 (the minimum award).


  • In a 6 table Howell the awards would normally be 24, 18, 12 and 6. Two ties would be awarded 21, 21, 9 and 9. A triple tie in 3rd place would see each awarded 6 (12 +6)/3 as would a quadruple or more tie as it is the minimum award.