Cherry Pick

Mr. Paul Linxwiler

Many of you may know that Paul of the ACBL serves as Executive Editor, ACBL Bulletin.
I wrote to Paul to ask the following question:

I have often wondered whether or not the hands we encounter in games on BBO or the Common Game are truly random. My suspicion at times has been that although all hands may be randomly generated, some 'cherry picking' may occur to eliminate flat or uninteresting hands. Can you comment?

Paul provided the following answer:

It doesn't happen. And if that (hand editing) were actually a goal, how would you do it? Who would wade through the thousands of hands that are generated each day? And who would decide what's "boring"?  However, the Robot games ARE manipulated - because the human player (South) always has the best hand. Other games random.

♠   ♥   ♦   ♣

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