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Although KFBC is not affiliated to the EBU we do support the spirit of the Code of Conduct which can be found by following the link under 'Useful Links' above.
Competition Winners

The NEWMAN CUP is awarded at each AGM to the player with the best average score over the Club's playing season (1 September to 31 August). The current rules for the competition are that the best average score is derived from a player's 16 best scores during the season.

Winner 2022/23:      Peter Bennett
Previous Winners:

           2021/22.        Brian Jordan

           2020/21.        Not awarded due to COVID       

           2019/20.        Not awarded due to COVID

           2018/19.        David Stevens

           2017/18         Jane Rawling

           2016/17         Clive Richardson

           2015/16         Clive Richardson

           2014/15        Veronica Pilcher

           2013/14        Kidge Elder

           2012/13        Rosemary Johnson     

           2011/12        Veronica Pilcher

            2010/11        Christine Timmis

            2009/10        Brian Jordan

            2008/09        Janet Jordan
            2007/08:       Janet Jordan
            2006/07:       Mary Liddell
            2005/06        Clive Richardson
            2004/05:       Eva & Roger Barnett
            2003/04:       Eva & Roger Barnett
            2002/03:       Vivienne Kingham
            2001/02:       Beryl & Geoff Delves

The RICHARDSON CUP is awarded at each AGM to the most improved player, based on a comparison of the player's average score over the playing season compared to the preceding season. (The same player cannot win both the Newman and Richardson Cups in the same season.)

Winner 2022/23:       Diana Davidson

Previous Winners:
             2019/20; 2020/21; 2021/22 Not awarded due to COVID
             2018/19.      Anne Fitzgerald
             2017/18       Alison Renshaw
             2016/17       Glen Campbell
             2015/16       Nancy Fredenham
             2014/15       Sam Cuthbert
             2013/14       Sheila Grimmant
             2012/13       Anne Fitzgerald
             2011/12        Ken Grogan
             2010/11        Roger Cave
             2009/10        Gerald Everitt
             2008/09        Sue Newman 
             2007/08:       Mike Singer     

From October 2022 the Jordan Shield has been awarded for the most slam points gained over the previous year, 3 points being awarded for a Grand Slam bid and made and 1 point for a Small Slam.

Winner 2022/23:       Brian and Janet Jordan
Previous Winners:
            2021/22.      Caroline Sharpe and David Stevens
            2019/20; 2020/21 Not awarded due to COVID         
            2018/19.     Nicky Singer
            2017/18      Liz Crompton
             2016/17      Carole Sugden
             2015/16      Clive Richardson
             2014/15      Clive Richardson
             2013/14      Janet Jordan
           2012/13      David Stewart
              2011/12      Anthea Denton
              2010/11      Gill Pledge
The COMMITTEE Trophies are awarded at each AGM to the pair who achieved the highest score at an event during the previous playing season.
Winners 2022/23: Diana Frisby and Mike Hayhurst
Previous winners:
           2021/22 Caroline Sharpe and David Stevens
           2019/20 and 2020/21 not awarded due to Covid
           2018/19 Mike and Diana Frisby.
Last updated : 21st Oct 2023 17:33 BST