Keyworth Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Duplicate Pairs on RealBridge
Director: Jenny Crooks
Wednesday Pairs F2F for Club Shield
Director: Mervyn Jones
Scorer: BridgePal
Duplicate Pairs on RealBridge
Director: David Adams
Duplicate Pairs on RealBridge
Director: Sue Barber
Monday Pairs F2F
Director: Mervyn Jones
Scorer: BridgePal
Mon 23rd Sep 2024
Duplicate Pairs on RealBridge
On-Line 1pm.
Director: Sue Barber
Mon 23rd Sep 2024
Monday Pairs F2F
Keyworth Village Hall 1pm.
Tue 24th Sep 2024
Duplicate Pairs on RealBridge
On-Line 7pm.
Director: David Adams
Wed 25th Sep 2024
AGM followed by Wednesday Pairs F2F
Keyworth Village Hall 1pm.
Fri 27th Sep 2024
Duplicate Pairs on RealBridge
On-Line 1pm.
Director: Jenny Crooks
 RealBridge Login



1. Members & Competitions etc.

1.1 .The annual subscription shall be £5 due on the first of October.

1.2 The table fee will be £2.50 for all F2F sessions & £1.50 for all On-line sessions with a reduced rate of £1 for junior members.

1.3 A further entrance fee for special competitions may be charged at the discretion of the committee.

1.4 The committee shall provide a rota of directors.

1.5 All disputes concerning the score or any other matters during competitions shall be settled by decision of the tournament director on that occasion, but subject to appeal to the committee.

1.6 The committee shall provide a list of key holders.

1.7 It is the responsibility of the committee to appoint a person to manage the Clubs' web site.

2. Visitors.

2.1 Visitors are welcome on any Club evening, at the discretion of the director, but not allowed to attend members only events, including the Christmas party.

2.2 Partnerships for all sessions should be arranged in advance. 

2.3 Visitors shall pay an additional fee of £0.50 over and above any table or entry fee.

2.4 Visitors are not eligible to win any of the following Club competitions:- the Ratcliffe Bowl, the February Shield, the Dennis Smith Memorial Trophy, the AGM Trophy, the Spring Trophy, the Teams of Four Championship, the Carol Fram Memorial Salver and any such events as may be determined from time to time.

2.5 Visitors may play up to six times in any one year, 1 October to 30 September, but this may be relaxed in individual circumstances by permission of the director. Such exceptions should be reported to the next meeting of the committee.

3. Application for membership.

3.1 Players wishing to join the Club should be proposed and seconded by two members. Application forms should be displayed on the Club's notice board.

3.2 After a display period of at least three weeks, if no written objections have been received by the secretary, a sub-committee consisting of the chairman, vice chairman and at least three other committee members shall review the application.

3.3 If written objections have been received by the secretary, the application will be reviewed by the full committee, when the objections would be carefully considered. The committee may turn down applications for membership without giving any reason.

3.4 New players wishing to join who are not known to members of the Club should play for three sessions after which they will be advised by the chairman, after consultation with Club members, about the possibility of making an application for membership.

3.5 Applicants should pay the additional visitor's fee while their application is being considered. This may be offset against their subscription should their application be approved.