Kendal Bridge Club
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From time to time the club arranges matches against other bridge clubs in the area.

Email the club’s team captain, Chris Wilkinson (click here), if you are interested in playing in such matches or ring 07887 713372 .

Click here to see the selection criteria.


Keswick v Kendal
Monday 22 April 2024
Keswick won by 165 IMPs and regained the Dunmail Plate

The team was:
Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson, Andrew Peill and John Farmer
Ken Orford and Bill Thomson, Hilary Parker and Chris Banks
Mary Anne Peden and Jacky Truelove, David Harris and Rob Harvey 


Kendal v Barrow
Sunday 3 March 2024
Bridge Challenge Cup

Kendal won by 103 IMPs and retain the Bridge Challenge Cup
Click here for the results

The team was:
Chris Wilkinson and David Harris, Andrew Peill and John Farmer
Ray Gregory and Brian Smith, Ken Orford and Bill Thomson
John and Wendy Ellwood, Hilary Parker and Chris Banks

Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Kendal v Lancaster
Sunday 29 October 2023
Kendal Bridge Club, 1pm
Parkinson Trophy

Kendal won by 124 IMPs and now hold the Parkinson Trophy

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sam Norman and Alan Anderson
David Harris and Gillian Whyte, John Ellwood and Ray Gregory
Janice Mitchell and Fred Thornton, Carl Penson and Brian Smith


Keswick v Kendal
Monday 6 April 2023
Kendal won by 22 IMPs and now hold the Dunmail Plate
Click here for the full results

The team was:
Mike and Sally-Ann Rothwell, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Ray Gregory and John Ellwood, Brian Smith and Carl Penson
Ken Orford and Steve Douglas, Richard Brazier and Tim Harrison


Kendal v Windermere
Sunday 7 March 2021
Played on RealBridge
Pillar Trophy

Kendal lost by 29 IMPs so Windermere now hold the Pillar Trophy
Click here for the results

The team was:
Bill Thomson and Martyn Harris, Richard Brazier and Geoff Maskall
Chris Banks and Mike Ollerton, Phil Rowland and Stuart Taylor
Mike and Stella Howse, Gay Talbot and Hilary Parker



Kendal v Windermere
Sunday 4 September 2020
Played on BBO
Pillar Trophy

Kendal won by 10 IMPs and retain the Pillar Trophy
Click here for the results

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Michael Cox and Gillian Whyte
Richard Brazier and Tim Harrison, Roger and Catherine Preston



Kendal v Barrow
Sunday 10 July 2020
Bridge Challenge Cup
Played on BBO

Kendal won by 29 IMPs and retain the Bridge Challenge Cup
Click here for the results for match 1
Click here for the results for match 2

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Michael Cox and Gillian Whyte
Phil Rowland and Stuart Taylor, Carl Penson and David Harris


Kendal v Barrow
Sunday 8 December 2019
Bridge Challenge Cup

Kendal won by 31 IMPs and retain the Bridge Challenge Cup
Click here for the results

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Richard Brazier and Geoff Maskall
Brian Smith and Chris Banks, Ray Gregory and Carl Penson
John Nicholls and Bob Boyd, Charlotte Casson and Andrew Peill
Stella and Mike Howse, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson


Burton v Kendal
Sunday 24 November 2019
Kendal won by 82 IMPs
Click here for the results

Diana and Paul Smethurst, Bob Boyd and Andrew Peill
Gillian Whyte and Simon Robins, Hilary Storey and Jacky Truelove
Mike & Stella Howse, Irene and Ray Gregory
Tim Harrison and Brian Smith, Martyn Harris and Chris Wilkinson


Keswick v Kendal
Monday 28 October 2019
Keswick won by 26 IMPs and retain the Dunmail Plate

The team was:
Sally and Philip Wraight, Bill Thomson and Martyn Harris
Chris Banks and Mike Ollerton, Ray and Irene Gregory
Hilary Storey and Jackey Truelove, Dick Courchee and Andrew Smith

Kendal v Grange
Sunday 15 September 2019
Kendal won by 64 IMPs and hold the Whitbarrow Cup
Click here for the results

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sally and Philip Wraight
Martyn Harris and Bill Thomson, Brian Smith and Tim Harrison
Charlotte Casson and Andrew Peill, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson

Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Lancaster v Kendal
Sunday 14 April 2019
Lancaster Bridge Club, 1pm
Parkinson Trophy

Kendal lost by 60 IMPs

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Martyn Harris and Brian Smith
Jacce and Peter Jeffreys, Stella and Mike Howse
Hilary Storey and Jackie Truelove, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Janice Mitchell and Fred Thornton, Jim Lawson and Geoff Harrison


Arnside v Kendal
Sunday 10 March 2019
Kendal won by 146 IMPs and retain the Bay Cup
Click here for the results

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Martyn Harris and Bill Thomson
Stella and Mike Howse, Diana and Paul Smethurst
Hilary Storey and Jackie Truelove, Mike Patefield and Chris Wilkinson
Janice Mitchell and Fred Thornton, Jackie Beavon and Grant Bramwell
Reserves: Hilary Parker, Jim Lawson, Dick Courchee and Bob Bagot


Kendal v Burton
Sunday 20 January 2019
Kendal won by 188 IMPs
Click here for the results

The team was:
Richard Brazier and Jim Lawson, Diana and Paul Smethurst
Hilary Storey and Neil Heys, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Janice Mitchell and Fred Thornton, Jean Parsons and Jackie Beavon


Barrow v Kendal
Sunday 16 December 2018
Bridge Challenge Cup

Kendal won by 3 IMPs and retain the Bridge Challenge Cup

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Jacce and Peter Jeffreys
Carolynne and Alan Farmer, Stella and Mike Howse
Bill Thomson and Martyn Harris, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Hilary Parker and Bob Bagot, Jean and Derek Frobisher


Windermere v Kendal
Sunday 25 November 2019
Marchesi Centre 1pm
Pillar Trophy

Match postponed


Kendal v Keswick
Monday 5 November 2018
Dunmail Plate
Keswick won by 65 IMPs and now hold the Dunmail Plate

The team was:
Babs Matthews and John Farmer, Mike Ollerton and Chris Banks
Stella and Mike Howse, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Janice Mitchell and Fred Thornton, Jim Lawson and Dick Courchee

Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Kendal v Lancaster
Sunday 25 February 2018
Parkinson Trophy

Kendal won by 163 IMPs and retain the Parkinson Trophy

The team was:
Babs Matthews and John Farmer, Mike Rothwell and John MacLachlan
Sally and Philip Wraight, Jacce and Peter Jeffreys
Bill Thomson and Chris Banks, Brian Smith and Tim Harrison
Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson, Jim Lawson and Geoff Harrison


Kendal v Arnside
Sunday 21 January 2018
Bay Cup

Kendal won by 50 IMPs and hold the Bay Cup
The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sally and Philip Wraight
Jacce and Peter Jeffreys, Bill Thomson and Chris Banks
Stella and Mike Howse, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Brian Smith and Fred Thornton, Sheila Alcock and Geoff Harrison


Kendal v Barrow
Sunday 10 December 2017
Bridge Challenge Cup

Kendal won by 6 IMPs and retain the Bridge Challenge Cup

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Jacce and Peter Jeffreys
Wendy and John Ellwood, Chris Banks and Bob Bagot
Stella and Mike Howse, Hilary Storey and Mike Patefield
Janice Hornby and Janice Mitchell, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson


Kendal v Windermere
Sunday 26 November 2017
Pillar Trophy

Kendal won by 70 IMPS and retain the Pillar Trophy

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sally and Philip Wraight
Chris Banks and Bob Bagot, Brian Smith and Tim Harrison
Ina Gray and Kath Hendley, Richard Brazier and Chris Wilkinson
Jean and Derek Frobisher, Diana and Paul Smethurst


Keswick v Kendal
Monday 6 November 2017
Dunmail Plate
Kendal won by 21 IMPs and retain the Dunmail Plate

The team was:
Sally and Philip Wraight, Richard Brazier and Geoff Maskall
Hilary Storey and Mike Patefield, Chris Banks and Mike Ollerton
Stella and Mike Howse, Tim Harrison and Brian Smith


Kendal v Grange
Saturday 28 October 2017
Kendal lost by 14 IMPs

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sally and Philip Wraight
Stella and Mike Howse, Mike Patefield and Chris Wilkinson
Brian Smith and Fred Thornton, Sheila Alcock and Geoff Harrison


Kendal v Arnside
Sunday 5 March 2017
Bay Cup

Kendal won by 98 IMPs and hold the Bay Cup

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sally and Philip Wraight
Wendy and John Ellwood, Brian Smith and Fred Thornton
Hilary Storey and Mike Patefield, Mary Anne Peden and Dick Courchee
Joan Thomas and Geoff Harrison, Lynne and Ian Dodsworth

Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Lancaster v Kendal
Sunday 5 February 2017
Parkinson Trophy

Kendal won by 3 IMPs and retain the Parkinson Trophy

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Babs Matthews and John Farmer
Richard Brazier and Geoff Maskall, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Jill Rushton and Felicity Kaye, Stella and Mike Howse
Mike Patefield and Hilary Story, Brian Smith and John Toothill


Kendal v Keswick
Sunday 11 December 2016
Kendal won by 84 IMPs and so now hold the Dunmail Plate

The team was:
Sally Wraight and Philip Wraight, Jacce Jeffreys and Peter Jeffreys
Sandra Bell and Mike Patefield, Judith Johnston and Dudley Hargreaves
Joan Thomas and Geoff Harrison, Anne Urquhart and Hilary Storey


Barrow v Kendal
Sunday 27 November 2016
Bridge Challenge Cup
Kendal won by 66 IMPs and now hold the Bridge Challenge Cup

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sally and Philip Wraight
Babs Matthews and John Farmer, Jacce and Peter Jeffreys
Carolynne and Alan Farmer, Stella and Mike Howse
Sandra Bell and Mike Patefield, Geoff Maskall and Richard Brazier


Windermere v Kendal
Sunday 30 October 2016
Kendal won by 31 IMPs and now hold the newly presented Pillar Trophy

The team was:
Sally Wraight and Philip Wraight, Jill Rushton and Dave Harrison
Carolynne Farmer and Alan Farmer, Stella Howse and Mike Howse
Sandra Bell and Mike Patefield, Joyce MacKeith and Bob MacKeith
Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson, Brian Smith and Ian Hatton

Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Kendal v Lancaster
Saturday 5 March 2016
Parkinson Trophy
Kendal won by 114 IMPs and now hold the Parkinson Trophy

Sally-Ann Rothwell and Mike Rothwell, John MacLachlan and Robin Rose
Sally Wraight and Philip Wraight, Tim Harrison and Richard Brazier
Jeremy Harris and John Ellwood, Jacce Jeffreys and Peter Jeffreys
Stella Howse and Mike Howse, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson

Kirkby Lonsdale

Kendal v Kirkby Lonsdale
Sunday 21 Feburary 2016
Kendal won by 143 IMPs

Glenda Lloyd and Peter Boardman, Tim Harrison and Richard Brazier
Jacce Jeffreys and Peter Jeffreys, Stella Howse and Mike Howse
Chris Banks and John Toothill, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson
Janice Hornby and Janice Mitchell, Anna Urquhart and Hilary Parker


Kendal v Barrow
Sunday 13 December 2015
Bridge Challenge Cup

Barrow won by 122 IMPs and so now hold the Bridge Challenge Cup

The team was:
John MacLachlan and Robin Rose, Bob Bagot and Geoff Maskall
Jacce and Peter Jeffries, Tim Harrison and Brian Smith
Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson, Diana and Paul Smethurst
Judith Johnston and Dudley Hargreaves, Dick Courchee and Kath Hendley
Geoff Harrison and Grant Bramwell, Anne Urquhart and Joe Whittaker


Keswick v Kendal
Monday 16 October 2015

Keswick won by 9 IMPs and so now hold the Dunmail Plate.

The team was:
Sally and Philip Wraight, John MacLachlan and Robin Rose
Peter Goulding and Bill Thomson, Irene and Ray Gregory
Peter Mollart and John Toothill, Dick Courchee and Richard Brazier


Kendal v Windermere
Sunday 8 November 2015
Kendal won by 12 IMPs

The team was:
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Glenda Lloyd and Peter Boardman
Peter Mollart and Geoff Maskall, Brian Smith and Tim Harrison
Joyce and Bob MacKeith, Richard Brazier and John Toothill
Steve Barron and Bob Boyd, Chris Walker and Chris Wilkinson


Kendal v Arnside
Sunday 18 October 2015
Kendal won by 22 IMPs

Congratulations to the team:
Sally-Ann Rothwell and Mike Rothwell, Wendy Ellwood and John Ellwood
Kath Hendley and Geoff Maskall, Tim Harrison and Brian Smith
Laura Watson and Judy Goodland, Alison Harrison and Nina Waite
Judith Johnston and Dudley Hargreaves, Ina Gray and Betty Troughton
Diana Smethurst and Paul Smethurst, Janice Hornby and Janice Mitchell


Grange v Kendal
Sunday 20 September 2015

Kendal lost by 44 IMPs (but it was an enjoyable afternoon)

The team was:
Glenda Lloyd and Peter Boardman, Mick Howse and Stella Howse
Bob MacKeith and Joyce MacKeith, Chris Wilkinson and Chris Walker
Dick Courchee and John Toothill, Brian Smith and Fred Thornton
Kathleen Hendley and Ina Gray, Anne Urquhart and Iris Shaw


Barrow v Kendal
Sunday 14 December  2014
Bridge Challenge Cup

Kendal retained the Bridge Challenge Cup, winning by 151 IMPs

Congratulations to the team:
Jean & Mike Patefield, Bob Bagot & Geoff Maskell
Richard Brazier & Sam Norman, Chris Walker & Chris Wilkinson
Mike & Stella Howse, Ina Gray & Betty Troughton
Jim Lawson & John Toothill, Judith Johnson & Dudley Hargreaves


Kendal v Keswick
Wednesday 1 October 2014

Kendal won by 38 IMPs and so hold the Dunmail Plate.

The team was:
Dick Courchee and Betty Limb, Chris Wilkinson and Richard Brazier
Mike and Sally-Ann Rothwell, Philip and Sally Wraight
Peter and Jacce Jeffreys, Dave Harrison and Tim Harrison


Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Kendal v Lancaster
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Kendal lost by 62 IMPs.
So Lancaster remain the holders of the Parkinson Trophy

The team was:
Sally and Philip Wraight, Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell
Jean and Mike Patefield, Chris Wilkinson and Richard Brazier
Dudley Hargreaves and John Toothill, Diana and Paul Smethurst

Barrow for the Bridge Challenge Cup

Kendal v Barrow
Sunday 12 January 2014

Kendal won by 25 IMPs

The team was:
Mike and Sally-Ann Rothwell, Paul Thornton and Dave Harrison
Chris Wilkinson and Richard Brazier, Peter and Jacce Jeffreys
Chris Banks and Bill Thomson, Robert Boyd and Steve Barron
Eric Fall and Audrey Howe, Dudley Hargreaves and John Toothill


Kendal v Windermere
Friday 22 November 2013

Kendal won by 38 IMPs

The team was:
Philip Wraight and Dave Harrison, Alan Anderson and Sam Norman
Peter Brown and Mike Howse, Alan and Carolynne Farmer
Chris Wilkinson and Chris Walker, Ina Gray and Alan Paley
Stella Howse and Dudley Hargreaves, Andrew Peill and Steven Barron


Grange v Kendal
Sunday 10 November 2013

Kendal lost (after a very pleasant afternoon)

The team was:

Jean and Mike Patefield, Jacce and Peter Jeffreys
Betty Limb and Dick Courchee, Brian Smith and Ian Hatton
Stella and Mike Howse, Janice Hornby and Janice Mitchell


Arnside v Kendal
Monday 4 November 2013

Kendal won comfortably

The team was:

Philip and Sally Wraight, Pat Downes and Jeremy Harris
Irene and Ray Gregory, Jacce and Peter Jeffreys
Paul and Diana Smethurst, Chris Wilkinson and Chris Walker
Stella and Mike Howse, Dudley Hargreaves and Judith Johnston
Brian Smith and Ian Hatton, Steve Barron and Bob Boyd


Keswick v Kendal
Monday 13 May 2013

Kendal lost by 69 IMPs

The team was:

Dave Harrison and Peter Mollart, Irene and Ray Gregory
Ina Gray and Betty Troughton, Albert Williams and Peter Lord
Betty Limb and Dick Courchee, Stella and Michael Howse

Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Lancaster v Kendal
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Kendal lost by 85 IMPs

The team was:

Peter Brown (Capt) & Malcolm Hartley, Sally & Philip Wraight
Alan & Carolynne Farmer, Jeremy Harris & Jeff Harrison
Jacce & Peter Jeffreys, Richard Brazier & Geoff Maskall
Ina Gray & Kath Hendley, Mike Ollerton & Mick Notley
Dave & Alison Harrison, Ray & Irene Gregory

Barrow for the Bridge Challenge Cup

Barrow v Kendal
Sunday 2 December 2012

Kendal won by 27 IMPs

The team was:

Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Babs Mathews and John Farmer
Alan and Carolynne Farmer, Sam Norman and Dave Harrison
Chris Wilkinson and Chris Walker, Stella and Mike Howse
Jacce and Peter Jeffreys, Ina Gray and Kath Hendley
Brian Smith and Ian Hatton, Eric Fall and Audrey Howe


Kendal v Windermere
Friday 5 October 2012

Kendal lost by a small margin (but the home made cakes were wonderful)

The team was:

Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Sally and Philip Wraight
Peter Mollart and Jeff Harrison, Stella and Mike Howse
Jacce and Peter Jeffreys, Chris Wilkinson and Bill Thomson
Brian Smith and Ian Hatton, Richard Courchee and Betty Limb


Arnside v Kendal
Monday 23 July 2012

Kendal lost (comfortably) but had a lovely evening with a splendid tea

The team was:

Jacce and Peter Jeffreys, Stella and Mike Howse
Chris Banks and Mike Ollerton, Ina Gray and Betty Troughton
Jean and Derek Frobisher, Audrey Howe and Eric Fall
Betty Limb and Dick Courchee, Janice Wilkinson and Janice Mitchell


Keswick v Kendal
Sunday 27 April 2012

Kendal won by 54 IMPs

The team was:

Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Pat Downes and Jeff Harrison
Jean and Mike Patefield, Irene and Ray Gregory
Stella and Michael Howse, Betty Limb and Dick Courchee


Kendal v Grange
Sunday 15 April 2012

Kendal won by 54 IMPs

The team was:

Sally and Phillip Wraight (TD), Jean and Mike Patefield
Jeremy Harris and John Ellwood, Kath Harris and Wendy Ellwood
Diana and Paul Smethurst, Ian Hatton and Brian Smith

Barrow for the Bridge Challenge Cup

Kendal v Barrow
Sunday 4 December 2011

Kendal won by 72 IMPs

The team was:

Malcolm Hartley and Michael Cox, Stella and Mike Howse
Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell, Kathie and Jeremy Harris
Sally and Philip Wraight, Jacce and Peter Jeffreys
Bill Thomson and Alan Anderson, Wendy and John Ellwood
Dave Harrison and Paul Thornton, Richard Brazier and Chris Wilkinson

Lancaster for the Parkinson Trophy

Kendal v Lancaster
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Kendal won by 204 IMPs

The team was:

Malcolm Hartley and Michael Cox, Sally-Ann and Mike Rothwell
Sam Norman and Alan Anderson, Peter Mollart and Peter Brown
Caroline and Alan Farmer, Dave Harrison and Paul Thornton


Windermere v Kendal
Friday 7 October 2011

Windermere won by 23 Imps

The team was:

Michael Cox and Malcolm Hartley, Jeff Harrison and Jeremy Harris
Dave Harrison and Sally Wraight, Bob Bagot and Philip Wraight
Mike and Stella Howse, John and Wendy Ellwood
Paul and Diana Smethurst, Andy Mason and Andrew Smith