
Pre-Session, 4th December 2014

This was the first 'pre session' tutorial and was conducted by Chris Chambers with topics on both bidding and play. The schedule was ambitious as an experiment to see what could be done in the half-hour. Inevitably perhaps, time ran out and only one of the three deals on card-play (board 2) was shown. All are presented here.

These deals were from 27th November, if you played that week, you can see what you did.

The interface is quite intuitive, don't be afraid to play around with it, you can always start again. I like to set the options to 'Advance trick by trick' so I'm not pressing the 'Next' button as often. One more thing, where bids appear against a yellow background you can click on them and an explanation will appear (click again to clear).

Taking all your tricks

Overtricks are very important in the club game and explain why seemingly good boards, like bidding and making game, sometimes score poorly. As declarer you must take all the tricks you can and be on the lookout for chances to induce mistakes from defenders.

Board 14

An easy one: play your cards in the right order to ensure you can get from hand to hand.

Board 2

This is on the same theme, ensuring you manage trump entries to give yourself a chance of an overtrick.

Board 16

This is more complex but the message is simple; never underestimate the power of running your winners.

Board 14 – reprise

I've changed things a little here, I've swapped jack of clubs over to West. At first we follow the same line as the original board 14…

No great technique is required; if you are hopeful of a even break, or perhaps an honour will fall, run your winners and leave that play until last – you never know what might happen.