Humber Valley DBC
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 Our Fall Season will start on September 10, 2024

We currently have a waiting list of two partnerships. We accept member partnerships only. We also have a list of alternates. Please contact


Welcome to Humber Valley DBC
Humber Valley Bridge

Our 2024 fall season begins on September 10.
We start to play promptly at Noon every Tuesday in Steed Hall at Humber Valley United Church.


We are continuing some COVID precautions:  Only vaccinated people may play.
Masks are optional but must be worn if someone at a table requests others to mask.
Anyone testing positive for COVID, or with any sort of infection must stay away till COVID negative and free of symptoms..


2023-2024 Executive


President: Susanne Hynes 

Treasurer: Adrienne de Souza 

Social and Members at Large: Carolyn Booth, Mary Howes, Margaret Markham



Humber Valley Dupicate Bridge Club
Humber Valley Dupicate Bridge Club

This website allows us to see our results for each board vs every pair we played. It shows the details of what was possible to make on each board and how we fared vs. everyone else sitting in our direction.

By checking these results, it is hoped that you and your partner can discover what things you did right in your bidding and play, and also create a dialogue on what needs improvement and how you can accomplish that.

Go ahead. Click on the "Results" on the left panel or on the "Latest Results" on the right. 

Click on "Personal Analysis"  above left to see what results you have achieved over the past many games

Discover things you didn't already know about your game!

Click on the information link on your left for our membership list and committee contacts.

Game Times
Game Times

We play every Tuesday afternoon  at Noon

Open Pairs
Open Pairs
Tuesday Open Pairs