Release 2.19q
Cashless Bridge

For detailed Information about Cashless Bridge Payments - Cashless Bridge System.pdf

Bridge in Schools
Bridge in Schools

Hitchin BC is introducing bridge into the local schools in North Hertfordshire/South Beds area. As you will all be aware there are many benefits from learning card playing techniques at school-increased number fluency and developing the skills of communications, memory, recall, logic, judgement, probability, partnership working and ethical behaviour.

Introducing young children to the joys of card playing and eventually bridge will help the children educationally as well as providing players in the future.

We believe the school teachers themselves should be at the heart of any initiative. However the best way to interest schools in such a scheme is by having a direct contact with a local school. We already have contact with some schools and clubs will start shortly however if you have a link with a local school through being an ex-teacher, member of a governing body, children or grandchildren at the school and can identify a teacher or head teacher who may be interested in starting such a project then please do contact us.

As the scheme develops and gets off the ground in a number of schools we will need a number of members to volunteer to act as mentors to the teachers in the schools. If you feel you could help again we would like to hear from you

Contact Bernard Eddleston email:-
