Release 2.19q
Cashless Bridge

For detailed Information about Cashless Bridge Payments - Cashless Bridge System.pdf

Duplicate Scoring
Duplicate Pairs Scoring

One of North’s duties is to score each hand at the end of play on the score sheet (traveller) which stays with the board throughout the evening.

The pre-printed numbers on the left hand side of the traveller refer to North-South and against his pair number North records the number of his East-West opponents, the contract, who was declarer, the number of tricks made and the score. If North is unsure of the correct score he can check it on the relevant card in the bidding box. e.g. the score for 3 Spades +1 is on the reverse of the 3 Spades card and the score for a doubled contract going off is on the reverse of the red Double card. North should show the completed traveller entry to his opponents (by tradition to East) who should agree it is correct.
