Helensburgh Bridge Club
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Our Constitution
Helensburgh Bridge Club Constitution
  1. The Club shall be called the Helensburgh Bridge Club. It's object shall be to advance the playing of bridge in the area. Membership of the Club is open to all bridge players on completion of an application form and payment of the current subscription.

  2. The management of the Club shall be conducted by the Committee.

  3. The Committee shall consist of: President; Vice President; Secretary; Treasurer; Team Captains and Five Ordinary Members. The members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

  4. At a Committee meeting Five shall form a quorum.

  5. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May, but a Special General Meeting maybe called at any time by the Committee, or upon a requisition signed by at least Five members, and stating the object of the meeting. At a General Meeting 15 members shall form a quorum. Fourteen days notice of a General Meeting must be given. All notices of motion, and nominations for the committee, must be in the hands of the Secretary seven clear days before the meeting.

  6. At the A.G.M. the secretary shall present a report of the Club's activities during the year and the Treasurer a Balance Sheet showing the financial position of the Club.

  7. Members subscriptions and table money shall be determined by the Committee. Subscriptions shall fall due on the 1st September each year. Members whose subscriptions are not paid by October 1st shall cease to be members.

  8. The Committee shall have the power at any time to form a subcommittee from, or outwith, it's members.

  9. The Committee shall have the power to suspend or expel any Member whose conduct is contrary to the interests or good order of the Club.

  10. The monies of the club are to be used exclusively for running the club and furthering its object. In the event of dissolution of the Club, the Funds and assets shall not be distributed among the members but shall pass to the Scottish Bridge Union (Western District) to be applied to the promotion of bridge.

  11. None of the foregoing clauses may be altered or annulled unless by motion which is approved at a General Meeting. In the event of any matter arising outwith the scope of these clauses, the committee shall have power to deal with it at their discretion.

The foregoing Constitution was approved and adopted at the E.G.M. of the Club held on 30th August 2010.

To download a copy of the HBC Club Constitution click or tap on the link HBC Club constitution.