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Bridge – what is it all about?

Bridge is a fun and challenging card game which combines skill with fortune. Played in tables of four people, the rules of the game are relatively straightforward, allowing even debutantes with a few lessons under their belt to play with confidence – although becoming an expert can take a lifetime!

Bridge has changed from the early days when it was the game of choice in exclusive clubs and high society. It remains a popular social game in homes but is now also played competitively in clubs (duplicate bridge) and on the Internet. Recent years have seen the development of the professional game with sponsors creating teams to vie for the world’s top prizes and Bridge holidays on cruises and exotic locations.

Bridge not only has a social side but it’s good for the brain or so it seems!
Link Bridge for Brain Health

Refresher or Improver

Maybe you’ve just done some lessons, or learnt bridge at home. Or you played bridge before and want to get back into it there are many options such as ‘supervised play’ where you play duplicate in a more relaxed pace with advice from experts. Improver lessons that explore beyond the basics to improve your techniques and understanding of the game. Individual or small groups’ tuition which typically happens in a more social environment

Club Level Player?
There are clubs throughout the country both WBU Affiliated and Non Affiliated. All the clubs welcome guests and they operate on different days of the week so there should be able to find a club that suits your needs. Some clubs run afternoon sessions and some evening, all with parking facilities or arrangements.
The clubs vary in location and standards but all are friendly and welcoming.

Tips for Scorers
Tips for Scorers

Feb 2018.  You can access information on the use of the PlayBridgeDealer4+ dealing machine here.

Please access the Abbreviated step-by-step instructions here.

November 2015:  abbreviated instructions for using PairsScorer and Bridgemates here.  Any problems - see the links below plus what to do about communication problems here; they are also printed out and kept in the lid of the Bridgemate storage case.  NB to print out handsheets (a few players prefer this to using the Internet), use the Dealer4 program with pdfprinter, and print 2-side because the program unfortunately won't put more than 24 boards on a page.

June 2015. Our new Bridgemates have arrived.

I am proposing to use PairsScorer to run these rather than Scorebridge, because it is free of charge.

Preliminary notes on the use of PairsScorer and Bridgemate II are here, Jeffrey Smith's very useful instructions are here, and Tony Haworth's even more detailed instructions written for the WBU here.

The notes below about using Scorebridge have been kept in case of future use, for example using BOS to place the handsheet on the desktop for importing into the event.

However, currently the method being used for handsheet printing is the menu option in the Dealer4 program.  This has the disadvantage that it doesn't allow more than 24 boards per page so that printing it requires setting up the print to be two-sided, so is slightly cumbersome.  However, using BOS needs conversion of pbn to dlm files which is even more cumbersome.

Peter Milewski June-Nov 2015

Dear Scorer,

Gone are the days of extensive instructions and trying to get to grips with uploads and html.  BridgeWebs makes it easy because there is a menu option in Scorebridge to send results up instantaneously (assuming you are using Scorebridge of course, and connected to the internet).

Note: I finally sussed out getting connected at the Club.  It's "The Cloud" and you connect with username (which happens to be the club's email address) and a password which you won't get any prizes for guessing.  So you can instantly upload the results once you have finished scoring.  But do remember when you get home to check the travellers.  If you have to make a correction, do so, then "Send" the results to BridgeWebs again.  The old result will be overwritten.

 ** Addendum April 2015: the Cloud has just started asking for a computer identity as well as everything else; I have used "hbc". **

So, having scored up, just click "Send" and then the "Send results to BridgeWebs" option.  It may ask for our login name and password (see above), but usually doesn't.

If you are also planning to upload Master Points, you will, having uploaded the last event's points, need to "Make File" ' "P2P file".

Just one tip for BridgeWebs in particular - that is, how to get the handsheets (preferably with makeable contracts calculated) into Bridgewebs.  This is how:

  • In BOS load up the event and run Dupsoft, then make sure the "Makeable Contracts" have been calculated (it will show 28/28 boards or whatever the number of boards is for that deal).
  • If that calculation hasn't been completed then click "Makeable Contracts".  It takes a few minutes.
  • Then click "Print".  Make sure that the box for saving to the desktop is ticked.
  • A pdf of the handsheet will appear, and you can check that it actually shows the makeable contracts (also the relevant files will have been saved to the desktop for easy finding).
  • You don't actually need to print this, just close the pdf window.
  • In Scorebridge, get to the Scoresheet page and click "Preferences/Options – This Event Only"; this gets you a File Manager window.
  • Find the event folder on the desktop (usually identified by its date) and open it.
  • Now comes the special bit for BridgeWebs: click the ".pbn" file.  That is the one that contains the makeable contracts and is understood by both Scorebridge and BridgeWebs - if you click any of the others, BridgeWebs may not get the information (I know it recognizes .pbn, but not some or all of the others).
  • The handsheets will be incorporated into the scoring pages in Scorebridge, but you can't see the makeable contracts yet.
  • However, after you have sent the results to BridgeWebs, the makeable contracts will be on the handsheets there.

Hey Presto!