Release 2.19q
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The Club shall be called ‘Hartlepool Bridge Club’.


The object of the Club shall be:

(a) To promote the playing of Bridge in the Hartlepool area.

(b) To encourage the playing of Duplicate Bridge.

(c) To promote social gatherings for its members and generally serve their interests.


(a) New members must be proposed and seconded by existing members and also approved by the Committee.

(b) The Annual Subscription shall be £10.00, which shall become due in April. If any subscription is unpaid by July 1st. membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.

(d) Members shall be charged a fee of £2.50 per session.

(e) The Committee shall investigate any complaint lodged with them against any member and signed by 3 or more members. Such members must be given the opportunity of submitting an explanation either by interview or by letter. The Committee may terminate the membership of any member who is, in their opinion, guilty of conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Club and their decision shall be final.


Visitors are restricted to 6 visits in a season.


(a) The management of the Club shall be vested in a committee consisting of Chairman, Hon.Sec., Hon.Treas., Club Captain and 5 members. The last mentioned shall serve for 2 years. The first 4 shall hold office for 1 year. One Hon. Auditor shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to audit the accounts of the Club.

(b) Nominations for Secretary, Chairman, Treasurer and Captain should be sent to the Secretary 7 days before the AGM but will also be accepted at the Meeting before nominations for the Committee members and the Auditor.

(c) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt 2 additional members.

(d) The quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be 5.

(e) The Committee must meet at least 4 times each year.


(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in April.

(b) The Treasurer shall submit an audited financial statement to the Meeting.

(c) The Secretary shall give at least 14 days notice of the AGM to each member.

(d) A Special General Meeting shall be called either in pursuance of a resolution of the Committee or within 21 days of the receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing signed by at least 10 members of the Club stating the reason for such a Meeting.

(e) The quorum of a General Meeting shall be 10.


The management and direction of all competitions shall be vested in the Committee.


These Rules shall be amended or added to at an AGM or at a Special Meeting under Rule 6(d).