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Club Committee and Constitution
Club Committee Elected at AGM 30th March 2022




Role Of Life President

Life President Role


  • to represent the Club in Public where possible
  • to present Cups and Trophies
  • to preside over election of the Committee at the AGM
Role of Honorary Chairman

Honorary Chairman.


  • to agree date, time and venue for Committee meetings with Committee members
  • to agree Agenda for Committee meetings with Secretary, taking into account items from other Committee members
  • to agree Minutes of previous Committee meeting with Secretary before next Committee meeting
  • to chair Committee meetings (with casting vote if needed) and sign agreed minutes
  • to introduce special events such as Christmas Party
  • to chair AGM, give Chairman’s report 
  • to present Cups and Trophies if the Club President is unable to do so
  • to represent the Club in public where possible
  • to suggest ways of improving Club and facilities
  • to liaise with EBU and KCBA
  • to chair any disciplinary meetings if not personally involved
  • if possible, to cover duties for other Committee members as necessary
  • to act as Key-holder
Honorary Secretary - Role

Honorary Secretary.


Committee meetings.

  • agree and publicise date, time and venue of each meeting with Committee members
  • liaise with Committee members regarding items for the Agenda
  • agree final Agenda with Chairman and circulate, together with the  minutes of the previous meeting, to Committee members
  • circulate to each Committee member, a copy of all reports needed for the meeting
  • at the meeting, amend previous meeting minutes if necessary
  • prepare minutes of current meeting and agree content with Chairman
  • copies of agreed and signed Minutes of Committee Meetings to be available to Members on application to the Hon Club Secretary ( AGM 29/4/19 )


  • to maintain a database of members
  • the principal membership record shall be that held on the Club Website


Annual General Meeting.

  • publicise date of AGM to all Club Members
  • publish election notices which include job descriptions for each post at both venues.
  • publish current AGM Agenda, together with minutes of previous AGM and a list of candidates standing for election for each post. ( AGM 29/4/19 )
  • organise a secret ballot election at the AGM for posts on Committee if necessary
  • provide relevant material for Chairman’s report
  • provide Chairman with list of Cup-Winners and aid with presentation

Christmas Party.

  • invite a representative from the organisation receiving profits from raffle, to attend and receive a cheque from the Chairman
  • ensure details of Christmas party are circulated at appropriate Club venues 


  • conduct all relevant correspondence on behalf of club
  • keep a record of all relevant matters, notifying Chairman and other Committee Members
  • liaise with management of all venues regarding names of key-holders and committee members
  • attend Club Disciplinary Meeting if necessary, and if not personally involved
Honorary Treasurer - Role




  • to collect and record table money receipts each session
  • to pay and record all petty cash disbursements
  • to pay and record all invoices paid by cheque and direct debit
  • to compile weekly income and expense reports with covering receipts and invoices
  • to ensure regular banking
  • to prepare annual accounts for audit at least 3 weeks before AGM
  • to present Treasurer’s report to AGM
  • to deal with financial aspects of insurance, affiliations, website and Score-bridge.
  • to co-ordinate running and payment for P2P with EBU
  • to present a brief update on Club finances to the committee at each meeting
  • to recommend to committee, any changes to table money and annual subscriptions


  • to collect and record membership subscriptions receipts 



  • to liaise with Club Secretary for supply of playing stationery
  • to liaise with Club Secretary for purchase of playing equipment 


  • to participate in Committee meetings 
  • to participate in Club Disciplinary meeting if needed and not personally involved
Committee Member - Role


  • to participate in Committee meetings
  • to participate in Club Disciplinary meetings if needed and not personally involved
  • to take on specified jobs as agreed by the Committee

Did you know that as a member of this club you also belong to the English Bridge Union and Kent Contract Bridge Association (see links on top right corner of this page)?  Both organize a variety of bridge events and competitions played mostly at the weekends.  Have a look at KCBA's website for Kent news, events and results.  Most competition events are held at Tunbridge Wells Bridge Club.

Hampton Duplicate Bridge Club Constitution


1) The club shall be called "Hampton Duplicate Bridge Club", hereafter referred to as "the club".


2) The aim of the club is to provide facilities for members to play duplicate bridge. The club shall be affiliated to the English Bridge Union.


3) Membership shall be open to all interested in playing duplicate bridge, on application to the Hon. Secretary and on payment of the current annual subscription, excepting those banned members whose ban has not been rescinded.

Control of the club

4) The club shall be a member's club, owned and controlled by them.

5) This overall control shall be exercised at an Annual General Meeting when officers are appointed and resolutions relating to the club's aims are considered.

6) The day to day management of the club shall be under the control of a committee comprising Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, and up to three Committee members, all to be elected at each AGM. ( AGM 18/4/16 )

7) If an elected officer can no longer fulfil his or her duties, such duties may be taken over until the next AGM only by another Committee member or co-opted member who does not already have an official role on the Committee.

8) A Special General Meeting may be called by the Hon. Secretary provided at least two weeks’ and not more than four weeks’ notice is given.

a) at the request of the committee, or
b) at the written request of at least 10 full members

Powers of the Committee

9) The committee may co-opt one further member to assist it. 

10) The committee may make rules to regulate club conduct. Any changes shall be displayed and will come into effect four weeks later unless an SGM is requested by members. In this case, such changes will be held in abeyance pending the outcome of that meeting.

11) Any complaint made regardng misconduct by another player shall be first investigated by a Conduct Committee set up by the Club Committee, to determine whether there is a case to be answered. The Club Committee shall have the power to formally warn, suspend or expel the player from the Club, in any case brought to them by the Conduct Committee. (Amended at the AGM on 5th May 2014.)

12) The committee may appoint a Club Life President and Honorary Life Members in recognition of their special services to the club. 


13) At least 10 full members are required to form a quorum for Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings.

14) At least 3 members are required to form a committee quorum.


15) The Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for accounting and budgeting the club's activities.

16) Any proposed expenditure by the Committee in excess of £500 must first be approved by an AGM or SGM of the Club. 

17) The club's financial year shall run from April 1st to March 31st and a financial report presented at the AGM not later than 6 weeks from that date.

18) This report shall be audited before the AGM by the Hon. Auditor appointed at the previous AGM.

19) All Financial records of the Club should be retained for a period of four years, after which they may be destroyed. 


20) Amendments to this Constitution may be made by a simple majority of all the full members of the club.

21) The date of an amendment to the Constitution shall be noted in the current version for a period of 3 years before deletion.


Winding up


22) Should the number of full members fall below 12 then the club shall be wound up. Any assets of the club after repayment of outstanding debts, shall be divided equally amongst the remaining full members.



23) At a committee meeting held on Feb 18th, 1987.



24) This version of the Constitution supersedes all previous versions and has been adopted by the membership at the Annual General Meeting held on 29th April 2019.