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Release 2.19r
Club Director
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Help Your Director



  • Your Director is there to ensure the smooth running and your enjoyment of the session of Bridge you are attending. Please follow the EBU Best Behaviour Rules and help your Director all you can.
  • Please call the Director whenever something goes wrong. DO NOT TRY TO RESOLVE YOURSELVES
  • If you play regularly with the same Partner you should have a Convention Card available for your opponents to view and for the Director to refer to if called to your Table. Failure to have a convention card may cause the Director to Rule against you.
  • Please avoid Slow Play. Do try to keep pace with the Tables around you. Failure to do so may result in boards being removed.
  • The Introduction of Table Etiquette Cards has been well received by Members. These serve to remind players of the behaviour expected at all times and key rules to follow in the play. 


Last updated : 24th Apr 2018 16:04 GMT
Starting on Time


There have been occasions when members have arrived late causing the planned movement to be suspended and a new one started.  This results in delays whilst Tablets are reset and a new programme installed. 

Please aim to arrive NO LATER THAN  6.45pm so that the Director has at least 10 minutes to set up the movement, distribute the boards and make any announcements so that WE CAN START PROMPTLY AT 7pm.

If you have been unavoidably delayed please telephone one of the Committee or your partner to let them know you are on your way. This will allow the Tablets to be set up and for the event to START ON TIME.  

If you arrive late and play has already commenced or the Tablets have been set and play is about to start, then the Director may NOT allow you to play.

Thank you. 

Roger Markwick    Hon Secretary


Last updated : 9th Jul 2019 18:11 GMT
Appeals ........Outcome of a Hand................Law 92B



  • You may appeal the outcome of a hand, whether or not the Director was called at the time the hand was being played or consulted at the end of the session.
  • Your Appeal should be made through the Director in charge of that particular Session.
  • Your Appeal must be made at the latest, within 30 minutes of the Session result being published on the Club Website (this may be immediately after play has finished or the following morning ) .  Failure to appeal within this timescale will cause the Appeal to be rejected ' Out of Time '. ( Law 92B )
  • Both players must agree to Appeal in Pairs Events
  • In Team Events, the Team Captain must confirm the Appeal on behalf of the Team
  • This adoption of EBU Law 92B in Relation to Appeals was unanimously agreed by The Club Committee at a meeting held on 23rd January 2017.


Last updated : 25th Nov 2022 10:03 GMT
Appeals..............Possible Scoring Errors


  • Scoring errors should be appealed to the appropriate Scorer within a reasonable timeframe. The Club Committee suggest this should be no more than 1 week from the date the Result was published on the Club Website. 
Last updated : 3rd Apr 2017 14:47 GMT
Guide For Arcscorer set up using Scorebridge

Last updated : 14th Aug 2017 11:56 GMT