Hamilton Bridge Club Ltd
Release 2.19r
Next Board Meeting

Monday 16th September

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EGM Thursday 5th February 2015
EGM of Thursday 5th February 2015

At 12.30 in the clubhouse on Thursday 5th February, there will be an EGM to vote on 2 resolutions from the Board.

These are "technical issues" but necessary to overcome anomalies between the Rules of the Club and Rules of the Company*.

Please come along although the meeting will, hopefully, be very short.

If you cannot manage please print, complete and deposit a proxy voting form in the box in the Robson Room of the club.

*The Company (Hamilton Bridge Club Ltd) own the building etc but is a different legal entity from Hamilton Bridge Club


The other buttons on the website under this heading (EGM etc.....) contain

the Resolutions plus Proxy Form;

A Short Explanation of why the Resolutions are necessary;

A More Detailed Explanation of the Company/Club rules/anomalies etc for those interested.