Hadleigh Bridge Club

General Information
Scoring guidelines used at Hadleigh

Where there is a difference between the score on the paper traveller and the contract or number of tricks, or declarer, the score will be ignored unless it is obvious that an error has been made, such as incorrect declarer, the scorer will amend the paper traveller.
This will only be done in special circumstances where it can be seen from the other players that there is an error, that if corrected, the score would then be correct.
An example could be where all NS players bid and make 3NT but on one board the 3NT had declarer as W, or perhaps declarer was not written down. Providing the score on the traveller suggested that NS made game then the traveller will be adjusted to show the correct NS partnership (it will not matter whether N or S were declarer for scoring).

Passed Out is where a hand has been bid and all players have 'No Bid' or 'Passed'. It could result in a Top or Bottom depending on the bidding on that board by other players.

An Average can be given if for some reason there is a problem with the board for that round. Normally it will result in an average score compared to others playing the board, but it is at the discretion of the director to award. This is usually used due to slow play.

The director may award a 60/40 score, penalising partnerships at fault. This can happen if a pair have played the board in error on a previous round. They may be penalised on a subsequent round for not checking the boards initially (both sides). Also persistant slow play, after a warning may also be penalised.
On the subsequent round when the boards are played again, it would not be fair to penalise the pair not in error so a 60/40 'average' may be awarded.

A Fouled Board is when a board is actually played and a result obtained but it is subsequently found that there was an error in some way, the cards being faulty, wrong boards played etc.

Wherever possible the Director will use their discretion to allow the results to be as they would have been has no error taken place. This allows other players playing the same board not t be penalised by awarding a higher or lower score than would normally have been achived. This does not however preclude the awarding of penalties due to play that significantly contravenes the rules.