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The website was updated to a new version on 7th January 2014.

Members, please contact the club secretary with comments and suggestions for improvement of the website.

Individual Competitions
Club Championship Shield - Individual Shield

Played over 4 Sessions                                                                   Played over 1 Session


2001      George McLemon                                                                                         2010      Rose Smith

2000      Alun Hughes                                                                                                   2009      Keith Hawkins

1999      George McLemon                                                                                         2008      Martin Fraser

1998      George McLeman

1997      Alun Hughes

1996      George McLeman

1995      Marie Carroll

1994      Alun Hughes

1993      George McLeman

1989/92 No competition

1987      Marie Carroll

1986      Marie Carroll

1985      Neville Jackson

1984      Geoff Lebens