Gainesville Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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2, 3, 4 Level Pre-empts
Sep 18, 2024 22:19 EDT
Unit 5 - Distributional Hands
Sep 18, 2024 16:13 EDT
Unusual 2NT
Sep 18, 2024 12:32 EDT
Michaels Cue Bid
Sep 18, 2024 11:53 EDT
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Remember to uphold ACBL's Zero Tolerance policy.  Click here to read the policy.


If you need a partner for our duplicate bridge games, contact Beth Paul at 503-709-9416

Reference Documents
Gainesville DBC Cell Phone Policy

The Gainesville, Gatorbridge and Oak Hammock directors have agreed unanimously to abide by ACBL's Zero Tolerance Policy.  That includes a prohibition on using cell phones during a game.


Simply put:  Smiles on and cell phones off. Click here for the complete ACBL Zero Tolerance Manual.


Exceptions will be given to law enforcement, practicing physicians, and players who must be available for medical-related calls.  If you feel you qualify for an exception, please inform the Director-In-Charge.  He will communicate his decision to the other directors.

Hesitations and You

Click here for guidance on how to handle hesitations.

ACBL Alert Information

The ACBL Alert Chart can be found here.

The ACBL Red Alert can be found here.

The ACBL full Alert procedures can be found here.

The Alert procedures for online play can be found here.

Gainesville DBC Bidding Requirements

To view ACBL bidding requirements, click here.

Larry Cohen on Bridge Behavior

To read Larry Cohen's article on How to Behave Like a Professional, click here.

No Secrets in Bridge!

We have a number of new players in our club.  Because of this, it is worth repeating the well known adage that there are no secrets in bridge.  Your opponents are entitled to know what systems you play.  You should bring a completed Convention Card to all club games.  It is illegal to use a system not described on the Convention Card.  If you use a non conventional bid, it must be PRE-ALERTED.  For example, if you open a hand with less than 10 high card points, you must pre-alert this non conventional opening before the auction begins.  Openings of less than 8 high card points are completely illegal.  Non conventional overcalls, doubles and no trump bids also have to be alerted.  Included in these obligatory alerts are passes that have a meaning other than pass.  For example, if your partner opens a strong 2C, followed by an overcall by his/her LHO, a pass by you may mean, by partnership agreement, that you have a supporting hand.  This MUST be alerted.

A copy of the ACBL Alert Chart is available under then new menu item: Reference Documents.

Opening NT With a Singleton

As of August 1, 2016, ACBL permits opening a no trump with a singleton ONLY if the singleton is an A, K, or a Q and there is no doubleton in the hand.  For complete rules on this, click here.