Farnham Afternoon (Rubber) Bridge Club
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  1. The Club is called the “Farnham Afternoon Bridge Club”.
  2. The Club exists to provide rubber bridge facilities for members and is non-profit making.
  3. Changes to the Constitution must be approved at an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) or an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) by a majority vote.

Committee of Management

  1. The Committee consists of the Officers and up to three other members. The Officers are the Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
  2. The Committee will meet at least twice a year and is responsible for running the Club. Four committee members form a quorum.
  3. The Officers are elected at the AGM to serve until the following AGM when they may present themselves for re-election. An Officer may serve for up to five years but may not then stand again for two years.
  4. The other Committee members are elected at an AGM to serve for three years but may not then stand again for two years.
  5. Candidates for election to the Committee must be nominated, with their consent, by two Club members to the Honorary Secretary at least 7 days before the AGM.
  6. The Committee may co-opt members to the Committee for specific purposes.
  7. The Chairperson has a casting vote in addition to a normal vote at all Committee and General meetings.
  8. A bank account is kept in the name of the Club. Withdrawals may be made on the signature of the Honorary Treasurer or (in the Honorary Treasurer’s absence) the signature of the Chairperson.
  9. The Committee will ensure that proper books of account are kept which will be open for inspection by the Committee. These accounts are to be audited prior to the AGM.


  1. Applicants for membership must be played in three times, partnering a Committee member or an experienced club member, before acceptance for membership is considered by the Committee.
  2. The Club year runs from 1 April. Subscriptions are set by the Committee and must be paid by 1 May. Any member whose subscription is unpaid by 1 May will cease to be a member.
  3. Any member joining during the year will pay on a pro-rata basis as advised by the Honorary Treasurer.
  4. Any member whose conduct is considered by the Committee to be against the best interests of the Club will be asked to resign.

Annual and Other General Meetings

  1. The AGM will be called by the Committee and held before the end of March.
  2. An EGM may be called by the Committee.
  3. An EGM may also be called on receipt of a written request from at least ten members. Such a request must state the object of the meeting. The meeting will be called not earlier than 14 days after receipt of that request and will be held not later than 28 days after receipt of that request.
  4. Notice of the AGM or an EGM, with the Agenda, will be given to all members at least 7 days before the date of the meeting.
  5. Notice of candidates standing for election or re-election must be published with the Agenda for the AGM.
  6. Notice may be given by announcement at a playing session and also by email to those members who have provided an email address.
  7. The business of an EGM shall be confined to the agenda.
  8. An item “Any Other Business” may be included in the AGM Agenda.
  9. Voting at an AGM or EGM is restricted to members.

This amended Constitution was adopted at the 2014 AGM.

  General Rules

Rules for Playing sessions

  1. The Club meets at the Maltings on Wednesdays (other than the first Wednesday of the month). Play begins at 1.45 p.m. after any announcements and is completed by 4.30 p.m.
  2. Club events are governed by the current version of the English Bridge Union regulations and the International Code, supplemented by Club rules for specific events.
  3. Playing sessions are directed by a member of the Committee. The duty Committee member will adjudicate and his/her decision is final. A playing session duty rota of Committee members is displayed on the notice board.
  4. If there is an even number of pairs at the session, members must call “table” on completion of a rubber. Any table at which a rubber has been completed at the same time should give an answering call of “table”. If a hand is being played at another table which, if the contract were made, would complete the rubber, a call of “game call” should be made (when the first table will wait to see whether the rubber is actually completed).
  5. If there is an answering call of “table” (or a “game call” is confirmed as a completed rubber), the winning pair from each table should move to the other table for the next rubber. If there are multiple calls of “table” at any time, moves should be organised to ensure that all winning pairs move.
  6. Members may play a further rubber with the same opponents if no answering call of “table” is made (or a “game call” is not confirmed as a completed rubber). However, if after dealing and bidding the first hand of a new rubber, there is a call of “table” before dummy has been laid, the winning pair of the completed rubber must move as in rule 5.
  7. If there is an uneven number of pairs at the session, so that there is always a “half table”, throughout the session the next pair to win a rubber at another table must join the half table (thus making a table of two pairs) leaving the losing pair at that other table who then become the half table. However, if the winners of the rubber are the pair who most recently arrived at the table that was previously a half table, the losing pair move instead. The initial pair at a half table, who sit out the beginning of play at the session, are awarded 300 points.
  8. Where there are members with mobility problems, the rules for which pair moves may be modified appropriately with the consent of all affected pairs.
  9. Any member introducing a guest must sign the visitor’s book and also record the name of his/her guest. The fee for a guest is £3.00. The member should ensure that the play of the guest is of a reasonable standard and that he/she understands the etiquette and ethics of bridge.
  10. Any complaints in respect of a playing session should be referred at the time to the duty Committee member. If the complainant is dissatisfied, the complaint should be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary for submission to the Committee whose decision shall be final.

March 2014