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AGM Minutes 2017



1)   Welcome given by the Chairman.

2)   Apologies for absence:   Frances Crockett, Mary Smith, Rachel Bright, Anne Walker , Diane Hofton, Ian Nicholson. Louise Hanson.

3)   Minutes of the AGM 2016:   The minutes were accepted as a true record.

4)   Matters Arising:   There were none.

5)   Chairman’ Report:   David felt that everyone this year had enjoyed his or her bridge.   We have gone from between four or so tables up to 11 using both Mitchell and the occasional Howell movement.   He said it was heartening to see all members involved in setting the tables out and dealing with refreshments.   Recently he asked for volunteers for scorers to replace John & Pauline and a response came immediately.   Membership has at times taxed he and Alan Hopwood but they have developed a scenario which they think will suit everyone.   David said he had enjoyed the responsibility of being Chairman and hope you feel that the club has gone forward.  

6)   Treasurer’s report:  The Accounts had been circulated ahead of the meeting but Sue Baines summarised the accounts and explained that the Christmas Party didn’t have to be subsidised and, indeed, made a small profit.   After a little discussion it was agreed to keep the table money the same for next year i.e. £1. Proposer for Report:  Kate Thornburrow.  Seconder Chris Smith.

7)   Membership Report: Alan Hopwood said that so far, we had received 50 renewal subscriptions.   Unpaid members had been contacted, and membership would rise to 55.   It was agreed that the two pairs on the waiting list be invited to join the club.

The procedure to admit new members was then reviewed.   Keith Blades suggested that potential new members and visitors should be under the sole control of the Membership Secretary; this was discussed and agreed.   Alan then proposed that potential new members should be invited to a maximum of two Club sessions at mutually agreeable times, after which they would indicate if they wished their applications to proceed.   Seconded by Keith Blades and agreed.   The Club "Framework" Section 3(d) will be amended appropriately.

It was acknowledged that existing members had a right to object to any new members, and if this occurred, then the Committee would discuss and make a decision.

8)   Election of Officers:   Chair:   David Britton.  Proposed Anne Severn. Sec.Chris Smith

Secretary and contact for members needing a partner:   Rita Stevenson .  Proposed Hazel Bremner. Sec. Jane Stead

Treasurer:   Sue Baines.  Proposed Mike Nailard.  Sec. Mike Dunn

Senior Director:  Mike Nailard.  Proposed Chris Staniforth. Sec Keith Blades

Membership Secretary:  Alan Hopwood.  Proposed Jane Stead.  Sec. Mike Nailard.

Directing and Scoring  Rota Organiser:  Ian Nicholson.  Proposed Kate Thornburrow. Sec Sue Baines.

Website Manager:  Anne Walker.  Proposed Simon Channon. Sec. Martin Pell

Refreshments including Milk:  Diane Hofton.   Proposed Margaret Daniel. Sec. Jill Todd.

Party Organiser:  Judith Warren and Janet Blades.  Proposed Kate Thornburrow. Sec. Alan Hopwood.

Winter League:  Anne Walker and Rachel Bright.  Proposed Sue Baines. Sec. Anne Severn.

Equipment and Supplies:  John & Jean Mildren.  Proposed. Alan Hopwood.  Sec Hazel Bremner.

Score Bridge Liaison Officer:  Barry Severn.  Proposer Mike Nailard..Sec Jane Stead.

Committee Member:  Nick Rutter.

AOB;   Judy Lloyd asked that if members have had at least 3 years experience in playing bridge that they should stop using their notes.   This thought was endorsed by Margaret Daniel.   Objections were raised to this suggestion and David said it would be discussed  in committee to come up with a decision. 

       Keith Blades said he felt a discussion should be held to see what kind of Christmas Party everyone wanted so Judith said she would come up with three scenarios so that people could  choose one .

  Mike Nailard pointed out that the website must be updated and have John Chater’s name removed as score bridge liaison officer removed and Barry Severn’s inserted.

 Jane Stead thanked everyone who had taken on a role in the club.

The next meeting will be held on the 1st Monday in October 2018.

The meeting closed at