Release 2.19r
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  • This framework was agreed at the AGM on 3rd October, 2016.
  • The intention in creating a framework was to clarify and retain the practices and procedures which have enabled the club to run efficiently for several years.
  • To ensure that the friendly ethos and companionship the club offers is preserved.
  •  To continue the arrangement whereby many club members share responsibility for the tasks necessary for the smooth running of the club. sufficient opportunity for members to express their views.
  • To incorporate key elements that would automatically be reviewed at each AGM.

Items for annual review: The framework; membership arrangements, including numbers; fees

  • To provide an opportunity for all members to contribute their views and concerns.
  • There is a separate set of guidance about the ethos, conduct, guidance and rules for play and the framework needs to be viewed alongside that.
  • Printed copies of key documents are kept in the club box and can also be accessed via the website. 


  • The purpose of the club is for members to play duplicate bridge in a welcoming, friendly and informal environment.
  • The club is not affiliated to the English Bridge Union
  • It meets on Mondays at the East Bridgford WI hut from 7pm to 10pm
  • There is a rota for directing and scoring.  Members are asked to arrange a swap if they are unable to keep to their set date and to inform the rota organiser of any changes.

Organisation and management

1.(a )There is a committee of six, comprising a chair, a secretary, a membership secretary, a treasurer, the Senior Director and one committee member.

     (b) The committee should appoint a Vice Chair in case the chair was absent.

      (c) There is a clear description of the roles and responsibilities of committee which is approved by club members.  See draft descriptions below

       (d) The officers and the committee member are elected annually at the AGM and the composition and roles of the committee are reviewed as a matter of course at each AGM.

        (e) The committee communicates with each other in advance of the AGM and at other times when the need arises, or issues and suggestions are raised by club members.

         (f) The committee has the authority to delegate tasks that are necessary for the efficient and harmonious running of the club.  

         (g) The committee has the authority to deal with serious and or consistent breaches of the code of conduct, making reference to the practices of the English Bridge Union, as appropriate.

         (h) Any member who wishes to raise a concern with, or make a suggestion to any member of the committee is encouraged to do so.

         (i) There should be three signatures for club cheques, with any two to sign

 2. Meetings

(a)  The Annual General Meeting of the club to be held on or before the first week in October each year.

(b)  Members to receive notice of the AGM at least 4 weeks before the set date.

(c)  Proposals and suggestions to be given in writing to the secretary at least two weeks before the set date.

(d) Agenda, including proposals and suggestions both from the committee and club members, to be made available by the secretary to all members at least ten days before the date of the AGM. “Any other business” will always be on the agenda so members have the optimum chance to express their views.

(e) Any member can make a request to any committee member for a Special General Meeting, as long as that request has the support of 15 members.

3. Membership

  1. Total membership numbers, fees and table money for the following year to be reviewed and agreed as a matter of course at each AGM.
  2. Membership fees fall due on 1st September of each year. The financial year of the club to run from 1st September to 31st August. Members are asked to let the membership secretary have updated contact details and membership  fee at least  two weeks before the AGM. This allows time for the updating of contact details and membership status.
  3. The membership secretary to distribute, via email, an updated membership list and contact details to all members as soon as possible after the AGM.  There will be a printed copy in the club “box” and printed copies will be available to those members who prefer not to use email.
  4. New members – ( Obviously this procedure can only apply when the agreed annual membership total allows.  Currently the list is closed and there are names on a waiting list) Potential new members would be expected play at the club as visitors on two occasions. They could then apply for membership and would be given copies of the Club’s Code of Conduct and the Guidelines and Rules for Play. Applications for membership to be posted on the notice board and the web site for TWO WEEKS. Any existing member having concerns about the application should contact the chair or any member of the committee. The committee will have full discretion in considering the applications, taking into account any concerns expressed.
  5. Members can invite guests to play, but need to check in advance with the chair or a member of the committee to ensure that there will be space.
  6. Visitors to be accepted only when membership total makes this practicable. A statement about the “current” situation with regard to visitors to be placed on the website and updated as appropriate. After playing on six occasions, visitors would be expected to apply for membership, provided the membership total allows.
  7. Members do not need to have a partner, but the club has a named person who can be contacted to help provide one. However, if a partner cannot be found, then a member can play as “resident east”.


  1. Members are asked to update contact details at the time of membership renewal and let the membership secretary know about subsequent changes.  Members who would prefer not to receive communication by email are asked to give their address to the membership secretary so that it can be put on the contact list and they can receive printed copies of documentation.
  2. Communication to be through: announcements and notice board at club sessions; website and emails. Printed copies of rotas, contact lists, documentation from meetings and key documents will be available in the club “box”.
  3. PLEASE NOTE: The contact list will not be put on the website, but the intention is to distribute it to club members. Please let the membership secretary know if you are not happy with this arrangement.
  4. The website contains all the key information about the club and will be updated by the relevant   task holder.
  5. The secretary to look into the possibility of setting up a club email account. The main purpose of this is to establish a group list for contacting members. The password for the account to be passed on to subsequent secretaries. This would save a lot of time for whoever is secretary.


Draft descriptions of roles and responsibilities of the committee members

Chair (Previously John Chater was the Senior Director and also acts as chair)

The post of chair is open for all members.  He or she does not need to be a director of club sessions. There are a sufficient number of people in the club who have the skills and knowledge to direct.

  • To promote, encourage and sustain the welcoming and friendly ethos of the club.
  • To chair meetings, although the chair may wish to delegate this task, where appropriate.
  • To have oversight of the running of the club and to play a key role in communication, in terms of listening to the views of club members and communicating with them.
  • To share with the secretary the job of dealing with correspondence


  • In conjunction with the chair, to communicate with members via group  emails, notices and the website
  • To ensure  that there are printed copies of key documents in the club “box” and that members who prefer not to use email receive printed copies of these documents
  • To keep the website up to date
  • To write and distribute minutes of meetings
  • To prepare notices and agendas for meetings
  • To prepare and manage nominations for posts
  • In conjunction with the chair, to deal with correspondence
  • To arrange for the purchase and sending of cards and letters to club members when they are ill etc
  • To have an overview of the bookings of the WI hut, including booking arrangements  for public holidays


  • To collect fees and table money
  • To be the named person for invoices for rent and “Bridge webs” subscriptions
  • To arrange for the payment of rent,  and other expenses requiring a cheque
  • To reimburse club members for ad hoc expenses such as milk, refreshments, equipment, social events
  • To manage the bank account, including depositing cash
  • To reconcile the bank balance each month
  • To prepare an end of year account ahead of the AGM and present to members
  • To use discretion, as directed by members, in making adjustments to the amount of table money members pay

Membership Secretary

  • In September, to start the process of reminding members to provide updated contact details and paying the membership fee (provided paying such a fee is agreed by members)
  • To collect and keep records of payment of membership fees and to transfer money and records to the Treasurer.
  • As far as it is possible, to have ready for the AGM  a statement about the total of paid up members so that an informed decision about total membership numbers for the following year can be made at the AGM.
  • As soon as possible after the AGM to distribute  a contact list to all members by email, to place some printed copies in the club “box” and to arrange for printed copies to go to members who prefer not to use email
  • To update the list during the course of the year as appropriate

Senior Director

This person needs to be knowledgeable about the rules of duplicate bridge and the arrangements for directing and scoring.

  • To act as a consultant to a director of a session, when necessary.
  • To provide guidance to directors and scorers, especially those who are new to directing and or scoring.
  • To draw to the attention of the committee, for their approval, any necessary updates to the documents on the website about the conduct, guidance and rules of play.
  • To guide and support new members in their understanding of the guidance, conduct and rules for play
  • To inform members of new EBU guidance or rules of play
  • From time to time to remind members about the conduct, guidance  and rules of play
  • To set up the “Bridge webs” sessions  on the website at the start of September

Committee member(s)

  • No designated role within the committee except to be open to the views of members and to represent those views.  They might well have responsibility for other tasks within the club, but there is no requirement for this. The committee should appoint a Vice Chair if the Chair is absent.

Delegated tasks

Organiser of the rota for Directors and Scorers           Directors and Scorers

Milk provider                                                                      Refreshment Organiser

  • Materials and equipment organiser                               Social Events and Party organiser
  • Contact person for members needing a partners
  • Winter League Organiser