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Find a Partner

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".


To use Find a Partner on the Dunnington BC website you first need to register with the site. You do this as follows:

1.  On the Home Page click on Members Area

2.  Click on Register

3.  Enter your email address and name

4.  Enter the Club Registration Code – obtainable from Peter or from a member who has already registered.

5.  Make up a Password and enter where shown. This is your personal password. No one else knows the password.

 If you forget your password then simply tick on “Forgotten Password” on the login page and a new one will be sent to your email address.

Find a Partner

To use “Find a Partner” from the Home Page click on Find a Partner and log in using your email address and password.

Once this is done you should be on the Find a Partner page and you see a list of club events and 3 tick boxes against each date.

The tick boxes are ‘Partner Required’,  ‘Not Playing’,  and  ‘Playing’

We only use the ‘Partner Required’ boxes. Please do not use the ‘Not Playing’ and ‘Playing’ boxes as this clogs up the site and serves no purpose at our club at present.

Tick the box against the date you require a partner.

Tick the box Show ‘My Email’, ‘My phone’ or ‘My Mobile’ whichever you feel is the most convenient way for other members to contact you. You probably only need to tick one of these boxes but this is up to you.

Click Confirm .

On the same page is a tab “Account”

Click on this and you see your Personal Details as registered with the website. You can change, add or delete any detail you wish. Don’t forget to click Save when you have finished.

You do not need to show your address or phone numbers if you don’t wish to. If you don’t show a phone number then prospective partners will have to contact you by email or perhaps they know your phone number anyway.

Any problems then call me on  765957



24th February 2016

Last updated : 30th Mar 2016 18:59 GMT