Dunlaoghaire Golf Club (Bridge Section)
Release 2.19q
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BBO Etiquette

1. Fill in your profile so others can see it. 

2. Put your NAME in profile

3. Announce your system at each table (if can be different depending on partner)

4. You must alert unusual bids by clicking on alert and not in the chat box. 

5. You cannot communicate with your partner in the chat box during play.

6. Introduce yourself and your partner at each table. This way you will know who you are playing against. 

7. Be polite at all times. Save terms such as 'Well done op.' 'Hard Luck op.' ' Thanks for game.' and use them in each game.

8. If someone is abusive to you, record their name and let BBO know. The person will be sanctioned. Bridge is a game there is no place for abuse. 


President- Ruth Shiel
Vice President & Hon Secretary - David Whitaker
Treasurer - Peter Chapman
Tournament Director - Helen Hearnden
Bridgewebs - Deirdre Waters
Monday liaison - Barbara O'Connell
Ex-Officio: Teresa Whitaker
Tournament Directors
David Whitaker - TD
Helen Hearnden - TD
Teresa Whitaker - TD 
Ann Marie MacGoris - TD
Peter Chapman - TD
Declan Doyle - TD
Katharine Verso - TD
Owen Fox - TD
Helen Waters - TD
The Origin of Playing Cards

The origin of playing cards ♠   ♣  

Playing cards originated in China and dates back to around the year 1120.  Originally cards were used for fortune telling and gambling. 
Cards were introduced into Italy and Spain around 1370, probably coming from Egypt and were introduced in Italy in 1440.

Bridge is based on the game of whist in that 4 people play and win ‘tricks’ and dates to 16th century

Bridge may be named after the Galata bridge in Istanbul, where British soldiers crossed the bridge to a coffee house to play cards.  Harold Vanderbilt introduced a scoring system in the 1920s

Acol bridge started in England in 1930s (called after Acol Road, Kent) first book written by Ben Cohen and Terence Reese

DLGC Bridge Club

DLGC Bridge Club can trace its history back to the foundation of the Golf Club.  The first record is in 1910 when the Council discussed the need to purchase a Book of Rules on Bridge. 

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Competition Winners
Centenary Trophy Winners
Centenary Trophy Winners

2021 Alison Polley & Peg O'Mahoney

2020  Maeve & Tim Cassidy

2019   Merryn Kehoe & Katharine Verso

2018  Jim & Maureen Murphy

2017   Merryn Kehoe & Katharine Verso

2016   Nora Conway & Peg Rayel

2015   Peg Rayel & Ida Murphy

2014   Owen Fox & Moira McGettrick

2013   Alison Polly & P. O' Mahony

2012   N. Conway & Marion Grimes

2011   Ann Reynolds & Helen Waters

2010   Tom O'Sullivan & Merryn Kehoe

Last updated : 5th Dec 2022 22:16 GMT