Dublin South Region

For latest news, bulletins and recent updates, please see the News page.


To communicate with Dublin South Region Bridge, Contact:

Teresa Gavin, DSR Honorary Secretary

Text: +353872576572

email: dsrsecretary@gmail.com

Fanagan League 2023/24

Results updated on 13th May 2024 

Click here Fanagan League 2023-24

Enquiries: dsrleagueorganiser@gmail.com

♠   ♣  Newsflash ♣   ♠ 

Dublin South's first bridge competitions for 24/25 season are the Carroll Cup and Paul O'Reilly Trophy On Friday 1st Nov in Regent Bridge Club at 7.30pm. 

Carroll Cup is a masters team event, one session open to members of clubs in Dublin City.

Click here to enter  Carroll Cup Entry Form

Paul O'Reilly Trophy is an Intermediate teams event, 1 session and open to all members of Dublin South Clubs.

Click here to enter Paul OReilly Trophy Entry Form

Release 2.19r
History of Dublin South
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