Dublin South Region

For latest news, bulletins and recent updates, please see the News page.


To communicate with Dublin South Region Bridge, Contact:

Teresa Gavin, DSR Honorary Secretary

Text: +353872576572

email: dsrsecretary@gmail.com

Fanagan League 2023/24

Results updated on 13th May 2024 

Click here Fanagan League 2023-24

Enquiries: dsrleagueorganiser@gmail.com

♠   ♣  Newsflash ♣   ♠ 

Dublin South's first bridge competitions for 24/25 season are the Carroll Cup and Paul O'Reilly Trophy On Friday 1st Nov in Regent Bridge Club at 7.30pm. 

Carroll Cup is a masters team event, one session open to members of clubs in Dublin City.

Click here to enter  Carroll Cup Entry Form

Paul O'Reilly Trophy is an Intermediate teams event, 1 session and open to all members of Dublin South Clubs.

Click here to enter Paul OReilly Trophy Entry Form

Release 2.19r
News 2018-2019
  National Teams Finals Dublin South win Marie Cummins!
National Teams Finals Dublin South win Marie Cummins!

Dublin South teams really did us proud in the National Teams Finals held in Athlone on 27th/28th April 2019, winning the Marie Cummins Trophy for best Region.

Congratulations to the Inter B team of Bob Neilson, Kerri Nolan, Fiona McGolderick and Sari Winckworth who won the Tierney Trophy (pictured above).

The Masters team of Martin Brady, Paul Delaney, Tomas Roche, David Dunne and Sean O'Lubaigh were Runner Up in the Kelburne Cup, gaining automatic qualification next year.

The Inter A team of  Helen Friel, Seamus Bradley, Colette Allen and Carol Sheridan were placed 6th in the Banker's Cup contributing vital points to Dublin South's overall score and securing the Marie Cummins Trophy for our Region.

Well done to everyone involved, massive congratulations.

Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:09 GMT
  Kay Downes Trophy
Kay Downes Trophy

Pictured above are winners Bernie Price and Bernie O'Sullivan with Kay Downes and Dublin South President Brid Kemple.

Kay Downes Trophy 2019

The Dublin South Novice Championship was held on Friday 8th March in Railway Union Bridge Club in Sandymount and we were delighted to see 20 Novice pairs competing for the Kay Downe's Trophy. 

We were especially delighted to have Kay herself present the trophy! Brid Kemple, Dublin South President paid tribute to all Kay's hard work for our region and indeed for CBAI and EBL and all the novices were delighted to meet Kay.

It was a very enjoyable and closely contested competition.

Congratulations go to Bernie O'Sullivan and Bernie Price who are pictured above receiving the beautiful trophy from Kay Downes and Brid Kemple, both ladies were thrilled with their win in what was their first competition! 

Brid thanked DSR committee members Niamh Gormally, Peter Searson and Fiona O'Gorman for running the competition and Railway Union Bridge Club for hosting the event and for providing lovely refreshments and such a warm welcome.


Full results are available under results in main menu.

Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:14 GMT
  Pigot Cup Winners
Pigot Cup Winners

Dublin South Master Regional Teams

The Pigot Cup had a great entry of thirteen teams playing two sessions on Sat 26th January in Templelogue Bridge Centre. Thanks to Brian Lawlor for his excellent direction.

Congratulations to the Winners, Paul Delaney,Tomas Roche, Martin Brady and David Dunne all pictured with the President of Dublin South, Brid Kemple.

The top four teams in the Pigot cup will now play off, competing to represent Dublin South in the Kelburne Cup (National Master Teams).


Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:15 GMT
  Ruth Giddings Cup Winners
Ruth Giddings Cup Winners

Dublin South Inter B Regional Teams 

Eight Intermediate B teams battled it out on Saturday 26th January in Templelogue bridge centre under the expert direction of Brian Lawlor. It was great to see their enthusiasm and competitiveness!

Congratulations to the Winners, Anne Kelly, Mary Lynn, Celia Magaghy and Mary Kane pictured with Dublin South President, Brid Kemple.

Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:16 GMT
  BJ O'Brien Cup Winners
BJ O'Brien Cup Winners

Dublin South Intermediate A Regional Teams.

There was a good entry of 8 teams playing in the BJ O'Brien Cup, the Inter A teams, which took place over 2 sessions in Templelogue Bridge centre with thanks to Brian Lawlor as TD.

It was a closely contested competition but eventually Mary Hickey, Mary-Rose Mc Govern, Brian Delany and Maeliosa O'Malley emerged the winners and they are pictured above with Brid Kemple, Dublin South President and BJ himself for whom the cup is named!


Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:14 GMT
  Regional Teams Results

The Dublin South Regional Teams competitions were held in the Templeogue Bridge Centre on Saturday 26th January.  Our thanks to Tournament Director Brian Lawlor for an excellent job.  These events are qualifiers for the national teams finals to be held in Athlone on 27/28th April 2019, the Open Team via a series of playoffs.

The results were:

Pigot Cup (Open)

1st Paul Delaney, Tomas Roche, Martin Brady and David Dunne.

2nd Karel de Raeymaker, Conor Boland, Marcin Rudzinski and Wojciech Gorczyca.

3rd Brid Kemple, Terry Walsh, Aoife McHale and Peter Goodman.

2nd Session Alfie Sexton, Denis Mortell, Suzanne Hill and Marie O'Connor.


BJ O'Brien Trophy (Intermediate A)

1st Mary Hickey, Mary-Rose McGovern,Maeliosa O'Malley and Brian Delaney. 

2nd Giles Murnin, David Connolly, Sinead Madden and Michael Kenny.

2nd Session  Helen Friel, Evgenia Gladsysheva, Seamus Bradley and Colette Allen.


Ruth Giddings Trophy (Intermediate B)

1st Anne Kelly, Mary Lynn, Mary Kane and Celia Magaghy.

2nd Kerri Nolan, Fiona McGoldrick, Bob Nielsen and Brendan Ruddy.

3rd Mary Burke, Julie Rowan, Ruth Maher and Aine Connolly.

Congratulations to all the prizewinners and potential qualifiers for the national finals.  We will be in touch with you in the new year to confirm the qualification details.


Last updated : 28th Jan 2019 15:32 GMT
  Regional Pairs Results
  • Duffy Cup Winners 2018
  • Joe Moran Cup Winners 2018
  • Quin Cup 1st Session winner
  • Quin Cup 3rd Place
  • Quin Cup Best Area master
  • Quin Cup Runner up 2018
  • Quin Cup Winners 2018

The Dublin South Regional Pairs competitons were held in the Templeogue Bridge Centre on Saturday 1st December.  Our thanks to Tournament Directors Brian Lawlor and Huey Daly for three excellently run competitions.  These events are qualifiers for the national pairs finals to be held in Athlone on 23/24 March 2019.

The results were:

Quin Cup (Open)

1st Mary Trench and Miriam Mc Conville;

2nd Dave Ryan and Edmund Perette;

3rd Heidi Lillis & Michael McGloughlin;

1st Session Gerry and Maura Lawlor

2nd Session Kathleen Vaughan and Ann Fitzgerald 

Best Area Master John O'Mara and John Reilly


Joe Moran Trophy (Intermediate A)

1st Deirdre Fallon and Ruth Peare;

2nd Carol Daultry and Maeve Delaney;

3rd Jennifer Cullen and Niall O'Sullivan;

1st Session Joe Gleeson and Gary Smyth;

2nd Session Gifford D'Souza and Mary Buckley.


Duffy Cup (Intermediate B) 

1st Carmel Murnin and Deirdre Linnane;

2nd Mary Kane and Celia Magaghy;

3rd Mary Oliver and Assumpta Meehan;

Best Novice Vivienne Jupp and Paula Kilbane.

Prizewinners are pictured with Dublin South President Brid Kemple.

Congratulations to all the prizewinners and potential qualifiers for the national finals ( top 5 from each competition) We will be in touch with you in the new year to confirm the qualification details.


Last updated : 6th Dec 2018 13:33 GMT
  Congratulations Quin Cup Winners

Dublin South Regional Pairs Qualifiers were all held on Sat 1st December in Templelogue Bridge Centre and there was a fantastic entry of 35 pairs in the Quin  Cup (Master Pairs). 

Big thanks to tournament directors Brian Lawlor and Huey Daly for doing a great job!

And the Winners were......

Congratulations Mary Trench and Miriam Mc Conville

pictured below receiving the Quin Cup from Dublin South President, Brid Kemple. 

(More photos see news page)


Congratulations Quin Cup Winners
Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:19 GMT
  Congratulations Joe Moran Trophy Winners

Also on Sat 1st December in Templelogue Bridge Centre was the Joe Moran Trophy Regional Pairs Qualifier for Inter A players and there was a good entry of 14 pairs.

Again,thanks to Tournament Directors Brian Lawlor and Huey Daly.

And the Winners were......

Congratulations Deirdre Fallon and Ruth Peare 

pictured below receiving the Joe Moran trophy from Dublin South President, Brid Kemple along with Joe Moran himself!


Congratulations Joe Moran Trophy Winners
Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:19 GMT
  Congratulations Duffy Cup Winners

Dublin South Regional Inter B Pairs Qualifier,the Duffy Cup,was also held on Sat 1st December in Templelogue Bridge Centre and there was a great entry of 21 pairs.

Again thanks  to TDs Brian Lawlor and Huey Daly for doing a great job!

And the Winners were......

Congratulations Carmel Murnin and Deirdre Linnane

pictured below receiving the Duffy Cup from Dublin South President, Brid Kemple


Congratulations Duffy Cup Winners
Last updated : 25th Aug 2019 16:19 GMT
  Carroll Cup Result
Carroll Cup RunnersUp 2018
Carroll Cup Winners 2018
Move "mouse" over thumbnail to change

Move Mouse over thumbnail to change picture

Congratulations to the winners of the Carroll Cup, held recently in the Regent BC - Joe Coyne, Conor Moore, Mick Lynch, and Kevin O'Dea, pictured receiving the trophy from Dublin South President Brid Kemple (Mick Lynch absent).

Second place went to the team of Aisling Considine, Kate Daultrey, David Synnott, Hugh Gormally, and Bronagh Synnott, while multiple-winners Thomas MacCormac, Ronan McMaugh, BJ O'Brien, Padraig O Briain, and Micheal O Briain had to be content with third place on this occasion.

There was an excellent entry of thriteen teams (the most in many years, which hopefully will set a trend for the future), and the result was extremely close, with just 1 VP separating the three leading teams.

The Carroll Cup is the Dublin City qualifier for the IBU Burke Trophy, and both the winners and the runners-up will qualify for the Burke, along with the holders, also a Dublin South team.

Thanks to the Regent BC and their club manager Declan Byrne for hosting, and to John Royds for directing.

Last updated : 21st Nov 2018 15:10 GMT
  Paul O'Reilly Trophy
Paul O Reilly Trophy RunnersUp 2018
Paul O Reilly Trophy Winners 2018
Move "mouse" over thumbnail to change

Move Mouse over thumbnail to change picture

Congratulations to the winners of the Paul O'Reilly Trophy, held recently in the Regent BC - Teresa Gavin, Philip Robinson, Evgenia Gladysheva, and Frank Kennedy, pictured with LizAnn O'Reilly, wife of the late Paul, whom the trophy honours, and Dublin South President Brid Kemple. 

The runners-up were Colette Stokes, Sue Power, Marie James, and Sinead Madden and third place was occupied by Fionnuala Lynch, Maeve Murphy, Peter Caplan, and Mary Gleeson.

The Paul O'Reilly Trophy is the Dublin South qualifier for the IBU Michael O'ConnorTrophy, and both the winners and the runners-up will qualify for the O'Connor.  Our thanks to John Royds for directing the competition, and to the Regent BC, and their club manager Declan Byrne, for hosting it.

Last updated : 21st Nov 2018 15:11 GMT