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Many apologies but due to a technical fault with the scoring, the results from 4th September are null and void. 

The Committee

General Information
A Bit of History
Dorridge Bridge Club began its life in October 1976.   It was started as an activity which would use the facilities and provide income to the, then, new Dorridge Village Hall.   However the Hall proved to be a very cold place for Bridge players and numbers dwindled.   Play was transferred to the lounge.   The vacated Hall was hired by the Badminton Club which resulted in the Bridge Club having nowhere to go when the warmth and conviviality of the lounge became too small for the number of enthusiastic Bridge Club members.
As neither the Bridge Club nor the Badminton Club wanted to change their playing night  the Bridge Club moved to St Philip’s Church Hall in 1978 and apart from the first year when that Hall was used once a month by the W.I., have played there for over 30 years.
(In 1978 on the Thursdays when the main Hall was not available Bridge was played in the “Pop In” – a basement area – very small and cramped.) 
Biding boxes and a website were an innovation in 2008 and members very quickly appreciated being able to access results the day after playing the hands
2017 brings a major change to the Club, due to the Church and Church Hall site being redveloped we have had to change our venue and move out of Dorridge.  The new facilities at "The Old Sils" ( Silhillians Sports Club & Conference Centre) Warwick Road, Copt Heath, Knowle are very good, with excellent car parking.  At the AGM in April 2017 the Club celebrated it's 40th Birthday !
In 2019 the Club acquired a dealing machine which, together, with the introduction of tablets for scoring brought it up-to-date with other Clubs in the area. 

Dorridge Bridge Club provides a very friendly environment for members and visitors to enjoy playing duplicate bridge and has over the years continued to thrive despite the many alternative activities on offer in the area.



Aggregate Cup 2019 - Final Result
      Round 1   Round 2   Round 3   Round 4 Total
1 Shirley Rowe & Fran Baxter N 433 N -1089 N 2047 E 1643 3690
2 Margaret & Gordon Beaumont         E 1794 N 1266 3060
3 Faye Doble &  Shirley Lamb N 1163     E 984 E -867 2147
4 Marion Korn & Cliff Morris E 1837 N 61         1898
5 Frank Bacon & Ray Diver E 777 N -179 E -546 E 1553 1374
6 John Pickering & Tony Whitehouse N -47 E 751 E -544 N 476 1227
7 Ian Folley & Charlie Dobbie     N -179 N -743 E 1093 914
8 Glenys Lamb & Erica Corney         E 224 N 686 910
9 Caroline Lassen & Jean Brown E 537 E 1299 N -863 E -957 436
10 Carol Stott & Ann Brown N 223 E -131 N 57 N 106 92
11 Marjorie Miller & John Brewerton E -1253 E 769     N -724 45
12 Ros Roberts & Sue Widdowson     E -821 N -1633     -2454
13 Iris Shaw & Diane Harvey     N -1159     E -1357 -2516
14 Margaret Johnson & Patricia Eveson           E -1943 E -1715     N -1474 -3189
  2 Scores count 1 as N/S 1 as E/W                  


Aggregate Cup - Round 3 Adjusted Results - 22nd August 2019


Orientation  Score   Adj.  Adj.Score  
1 Diane Harvey & Carol Johnston N 2660 -573 2087
2 Shirley Rowe & Fran Baxter N 2620 -573 2047
3 Margaet & Gordon Beaumont E 1220 574 1794
4 John Toy & Les Eyre E 570 574 1144
5 Faye Doble & Shirley Lamb E 410 574 984
6 Jan Johnson & Neil Fricker N 980 -573 407
7 Marjorie Miller & Helen Martin* E -10 574 464
8 Ann Brown & Carol Stott N 630 -573 57
9 Glenys Lamb & Erica Corney E +350 574 224
10  John Pickering & Tony Whitehouse E -1010 574 -436
11 Ray Diver & Frank Bacon E -1120 574 -546
12 Ian Folley & Charlie Dobbie N -170 -573 -743
13 Caroline Lassen & Jean Brown N -290 -573 -863
14 Maureen & John Wright N -770 -573 -1343
15 Ros Roberts & Sue Widdowson N -1060 -573 -1633
16 Mark Woodford & Pam                Macmichael    E -2210 574 -1636
17 Isabel Mitchell & Alan Mole E -2260 574 -1686
  * Denotes Visitor        


Aggregate Cup - Round 4 Adjusted Results - 29th August 2019
    Orientation Score  Adjustment Adj. Score
1 Fran Baxter & Shirley Rowe E 3440 -1797 1643
2 Frank Bacon & Ray Diver E 3350 -1797 1553
3 Margaret & Gordon Beaumont N -530 1796 1266
4 Ian Folley & Charlie Dobbie E 2890 -1797 1093
5 Glenys Lamb & Erica Corney N -1110 1796 686
6 Neil Fricker & Jan Johnson N -1300 1796 496
7 John Pickering & Tony Whitehouse N -1320 1796 476
8 Ann Brown & Carol Stott N -1690 1796 106
9 John Brewerton & Marjorie Miller N -2520 1796 -724
10 David Adderley & Lilla Baker N -2640 1796 -844
11 Faye Doble & Shirley Lamb E 930 -1797 -867
12 Jean Brown & Caroline Lassen E 840 -1797 -957
13 John Toy & Iris Shaw E 680 -1797 -1117
14 Diane Harvey & Iris Shaw E 440 -1797 -1357
15 Margaret Johnson & Patricia Eveson E -3270 1796 -1474


  Aggregate Cup Round1 - 1st August 2019 Adjusted
Score Not Adj Adjustment  Score Adj.
1 Marion Korn & Cliff Morris 1170 667 1837
2 Faye Doble & Shirley Lamb 1830 -667 1163
3 Paul Callin & Robert Hickman 1670 -667 1003
4 Ros Roberts & Iris Shaw 300 667 967
5 Frank Bacon & Ray Diver 110 667 777
6 Caroline Lassen & Jean Brown -130 667 537
7 Shirley Rowe & Fran Baxter 1100 -667 433
8 Carol Stott & Ann Brown 890 -667 223
9 John Pickering & Tony Whitehouse 620 -667 -47
10 Janet Atherton & Una Duffy 600 -667 -67
11 Julie Nicholson & Jan Johnson 510 -667 -157
12 Hilary Mayell & Caroline Walker -830 667 -163
13 John Toy & Les Eyre -950 667 -283
14 Isabel Mitchell & Alan Mole -1140 667 -473
15 Jo Horgan & Ian Folley -20 -667 -687
16 Marjorie Mill & John Brewerton -1920 667 -1253
17 Roger Catto & Karen Hickman -1200 -667 -1867
18 Margaret Johnson & Patricia Eveson -2610 667 -1943


Club Competitions

The following Trophies will be presented to the Winners at the AGM


Played in July

Teams are selected by a ballot


Played over Four Evenings in July & August

Scored differently from our other competitions, actual plus scores are totalled up and minus scores deducted from them, thus games and slams bid and made are the order of the day.   Each player has to have two scores to quallify - one playing North/South and one playing East/West.


Played over Six Evenings between October & February

Four Rounds must be played  - and players must have scores playing both North/South and East/West.   The Winners are those with the highest percentage.


Played in Two Rounds in October & November - the first round is played by all members attending Round 1.   The second Round is played by the first 3 pairs North/South and East/West in November in a separate room using a Howell Movement to provide an Individual Winner.   If qualifiers cannot play in the final their places will be taken by reserves.


A Handicap Competition with handicaps being based on previous results.

This Cup is for the Pair with the highest Score after applying handicaps.

Dorridge Bridge Club Constitiution (Amended 2009)

01.0.   NAME: The Club shall be called DORRIDGE BRIDGE CLUB (hereinafter referred to as the Club).

02.0.  AFFILIATION: Affiliation to the English Bridge Union or any other organisation shall be at the discretion of the Committee.

03.0.  OBJECTS:  The Club shall be a non-profit making Club, for the playing of competitive duplicate Bridge.


04.1.  Applicants for membership will be required to submit a completed application form to the Secretary.

04.2.  Admission to membership is at the discretion of the Committee.

04.3.  An Approved applicant will become a member upon payment of the admission fee and the subscription for the current year or such part as the Committee may deem appropriate.

04.4.  Membership is terminable at the discretion of the Committee

04.5.  Honorary Life Membership may be granted, at the discretion of the Committee.


05.1.  The admission fee shall be such amount as the Committee shall determine.

05.2.  Honorary Life Members shall not be required to pay an Annual Subscription.

05.3  The Annual Subscription for other members shall be such amount as the Committee shall determine and shall become due on the first Thursday in April.

05.4.  Each member of the Club and each guest and visitor shall pay table money, as determined by the Committee, on each occasion when playing at the Club.

06.0.  CLUB MEETINGS:  Club night will normally be held on Thursday evening, play commencing at 7.15 pm.

07.0.  OFFICERS:

07.1.  The Officers of the Club shall be Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

07.2.  No member of the Club shall simultaneously hold the office of more than one Officer of the Club.

07.3.  Each of the Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club and shall hold office until the following Annual General Meeting when they shall retire.   They shall be eligible for re-election.

07.4.  In the event of a vacancy arising during the year in the office of any Officer of the Club, the Committee shall co-opt a Member to fill such vacancy until the ensuing Annual General Meeting.


08.1.  The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the Committee and the Committee shall have power to determine any issue arising in connection with the affairs of the Club which is not specifically provided for in this Constitution.

08.2.  The Committee shall consist of the Officers and up to six other members of the Club who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall retire annually at the ensuing Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.

08.3.  The Committee may from time to time co-opt further members of the Club to serve on the Committee until the ensuing Annual General Meeting, whether to fill a vacancy arising, or as additional members, except that the total number of members of the Committee (including Officers) shall at no time exceed nine.


09.1.  The Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year at intervals of no longer than 4 months to deal with the business of the Club.

09.2.  Five members shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Committee.

10.0.  ANNUAL AUDIT:  The Committee will arrange for an annual audit of the books and accounts by a member of the Club, who is not a member of the Committee.


11.1.  The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of April to elect Officers and other members of the Committee, approve the Accounts and discuss such other business appropriate to an Annual General Meeting.

11.2.  One third of the membership of the Club shall constitute a quorum at an Annual General Meeting.

11.3.  Notice of any other business to be discussed at the Annual General Meeting shall be given to the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the Meeting.

11.4.  At least 14 days notice shall be given in writing to all members of the Club of the date, time and place of the Annual General Meeting.

11.5.  Nominations for the posts of Officers or Committee Members shall be in writing and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both of whom shall be members of the Club, and also by the person nominated.

11.6.  Nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.


12.1.A A Special Meeting of the Club may be called at any time by the Committee of which seven days notice shall be given to each member.

12.2.A Special Meeting of the Club may be called by petition to the Secretary supported by at least 7 members of the Club.   Unless the petition has been previously withdrawn, the Secretary shall call a Special Meeting within 14 days of receipt of such notice and at least 7 days notice shall be given to all members.

12.3.  One third of the membership of the Club shall constitute a quorum at a Special Meeting.

12.4.  The business at a Special Meeting shall be limited to that specified in the notice calling the meeting.

13.0.  FINANCE: The Treasurer will present an audited Receipts & Payments Account and Statement of Bank & Cash Balances at the Annual General Meeting and un-audited statements of account as and when required by the Committee.

14.0.  VISITORS:  Attendance by Visitors will usually be welcome but is at the discretion of the Committee and may be restricted to a maximum of 3 visits in any period of 6 months.

15.0.  DISSOLUTION:  If, at any Special Meeting, a resolution for the dissolution of the Club, of which notice has been given, shall be passed by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present, the Committee shall thereupon, or at such future date as shall be specified in the resolution, realise the property of the Club, and after discharge of all liabilities, shall apply the proceeds to such Charitable Society as the meeting may be resolution determine and upon completion of such application the Club shall be dissolved.


16.1.  No alteration to this Constitution shall be made except by resolution of two-thirds of those present at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of the Club.

16.2.  Notice relating to any proposed alteration of the rules shall be given in writing to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the Meeting.