Dingwall & District Bridge Club
Release 2.19p


We are no longer running weekly duplicates. Instead we will have a monthly club teams night and a monthly 'event.' Events will include various formats including matches against other Highland clubs. All of this depends on the particpation of both members and visitors from other clubs. We will post details of our activities as and when they are confirmed. Our first event is scheduled for September 24th.



Club Etiquete

Dingwall Bridge Club aims to provide competitive bridge in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. In order to ensure this, please follow the guidelines below.


  • Greet your opponents at the start of each round, thank them at the end.
  • Play and score promptly - do not delay play with discussions about the board or scores. You may discuss things quietly if you have time at the end of the round.
  • Do not make adverse comments about the bidding and play of others.
  • Call the Director for any irregularity, even if you feel you know how it should be dealt with. Most infringements are unintentional but the Director should still be called. No player should feel embarrassed by or take exception to this action.

Good Practice

  • Count your cards before sorting them.
  • Be prepared to explain your bidding system clearly if asked - you may find it helpful to have a convention card.
  • Decide on your bid before reaching for a bid from the bidding box.
  • You should not normally ask what a bid means unless you are intending to bid - wait until the end of the auction,
  • Do not remove your bidding cards until the opening lead has been made.
  • When making a claim explain your intended line of play.
  • At the end of play, leave your tricks on the table until a score has been agreed.
  • Do not give away information by mannerisms which express approval or disapproval of any bids or plays.