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Championship Teams of Four
  Entry Form - Championship Teams

Please ensure you fill in all the boxes marked with an asterisk then just click on the Post Message button.

The entry fee has been removed for this years event along with prize monies.  This event is open to all members of Cumbria and Westmorland - qualification to the National Final is subject to T's & C's (players must have Cumbria as their County of Allegiance).

Entries close Sunday August 11th 2024 @ midday - the draw will be made soon after that time and team captains will be informed.  Please enter as soon as possible.

If we have 8 or more entries, then as previously we will also run a plate competition for all teams that lose their first match. 

  How to Create a Teams of 4 Match on BBO


Please click the above link to download a PDF document explaning how to set up a Teams Event for the County Teams.

  Current Draw - Championship Teams

Please click the file name to download the current draw for the Championship Teams - Championship Teams Draw 2023-24

  Current Draw - Teams Plate

Please click the file name to download the current draw for the Teams Plate Competition - Teams Plate Draw 2023-24

  Previous Winners - Championship Teams

2024 Babs Matthews, John Farmer, Ken Johnston, Ian Reeves & Tim Matthews

2023 John MacLachlan, Robin Rose, Michael Rothwell & Sally-Ann Rothwell

2022 Not played - Due to Covid

2021 John MacLachlan, Robin Rose, Michael Rothwell & Sally-Ann Rothwell

2020 Shared with Trevor Ward's Team & John MacLachlan's team

2019 Leo Lehninger, Nick Rushton, William Thompson & John Wilmott

2018 Trevor Ward, Christine Ward, Colin Woods, Margaret Thornley

2017 Babs Matthews, Tim Matthews, Ken Johnston, Ian Reeves

2016 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman, David Strawbridge, John Farmer.

2015 Ken Johnston, Ian Reeves, Babs Matthews & Tim Matthews.

2014 Ken Johnston, Ian Reeves, Babs Matthews, Tim Matthews

2013 Ken Johnston, Ian Reeves, Adam Aitken, Ian Smith

2012 Babs Matthews, Tim Matthews, John Farmer & David Strawbridge

2011 Ian Reeves, Tony Bartlett, Peter Mollart, William Thompson

2010 Babs Matthews, Tim Matthews, David Strawbridge, John Farmer

2009 Ken Johnston, Peter Mollart, Trevor Duddle, William Thompson

2008 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman, Bruce Denwood, John Maclachlan

2007 Ken Johnston, Colin Smith, Mike Ash, Ian Reeves

2006 Babs Matthews, Tim Matthews, David Strawbridge, Dave Mullany

2005 Mike Dunstan, Tony Parker, John Robinson, David Latimer

2004 Ken Johnston, Adam Aitken, Geoff Thomson, Ian Stedman

2003 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman, Peter Thompson, Alan Williamson

2002 Mike Dunstan, Trevor Duddle, John Robinson, David Latimer

2001 Ken Johnston, Ian Reeves, Geoff Thomson, Graham Pearl

2000 Babs Matthews, Dave Mullany, David Strawbridge, Colin Woods

1999 Babs Matthews, David Strawbridge, Dave Mullany, Colin Woods

1998 Geoff Bell, Kathleen Bell, Ken Anderson, Ian Stedman

1997 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman, Peter Thompson, Mary Cooney

1996 Tony Aldred, Alan Williamson, Dave Mullany, Colin Woods

1995 Mike Dunstan, Tony Parker, Don Blake, Phil Porter

1994 Tony Aldred, Alan Williamson, Dave Mullany, Colin Woods

1993 Tony Aldred, Alan Williamson, Dave Mullany, Colin Woods

1992 Tony Aldred, Alan Williamson, Dave Mullany, Colin Woods

1991 Ann Breakey, Martin Lamping, Alan Fisher, George Surtees

1990 Don Blake, Mike Dunstan, Tony Parker, Phil Porter

1989 Elmar Zivtins, Ian Stedman, Ken Anderson, Enid Anderson

1988 Ken Johnston, Ian Rankin, Alan Fisher, George Surtees

1987 Phil Porter, Jim Duerden, William Thompson, A Thompson

1986 Bob Brunskill, John Wilson, Jack Boardman, John Martin

1985 Bob Brunskill, John Martin, Jack Boardman, Don Philips

1984 Bob Brunskill, John Wilson, Jack Boardman, John Martin

1983 Marjorie Bamford, Connie Kite,  May and Peter Brown

1982 Bob Brunskill, John Wilson, Jack Boardman, John Martin

1981 Dorothy Heron, John MacLachlan, Mike Quin, Charlie Connon

1980 John Patrick, Jack Capstick, Henry Pachul,  Bill Thompson

1979 John Patrick, Jack Capstick, Henry Pachul, Bill Thompson

1978 Dorothy Heron, John MacLachlan, Mike Quin, Charlie Connon

1975 Bob Brunskill, John Martin, Jack Boardman, Michael Martin

1974 Bob Brunskill, Jack Boardman, John Martin, Harry Brooks

1973 Bob Brunskill, Derek Hetherington, John Martin, Harry Brooks

1972 Dorothy Heron, Andrew Scott, Marianne and Walter Valenta

1971 Bob Brunskill, Jack Boardman, John Martin, Harry Brooks

1970 Jack Boardman, Derek Hetherington, John Martin, Harry Brooks

1969 Alma and George Parkinson, Hilda and Laurence Parkin

1968 Bob Brunskill, Jack Boardman, John Martin, Harry Brooks

  Previous Winners - Teams Plate

2024 John MacLachlan, Robin Rose, Mike Rothwell & Sally-Ann Rothwell
2023 Tim Matthews, Ian Reeves, Babs Matthews, John Farmer, Ken Jonstone
2022 Not played for
2021 Not played for
2020 Not played for
2019 Tim Matthews, Babs Matthews, Ian Reeves, Ken Jonstone, Rob Dixon
2018 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman, John Farmer, David Strawbridge & Mike Howse

  Rules - Championship Teams


  1. Competitions will be played in accordance with the current Laws of Duplicate Bridge promulgated by the WBF, the by-laws of the EBU, and in accordance with the current Blue Book.
  2. Members of County Clubs shall mean any person who has paid the current year’s subscription to any club affiliated to the CCBA and to the EBU. Bona fide members of such clubs whose County of Allegiance is other than Cumbria may play in the Championship Pairs and Championship Teams of Four.  Direct Members of the EBU who name Cumbria as their County of Allegiance may also play in the Championship competitions.
  3. Entry to all competitions to be made to the County TD by the closing date if specified on the entry form. Late entries accepted at discretion of Tournament Organiser or Director. 

Championship Teams of Four (MAJOR EVENT)

General.  A straight knockout event, with the draw being made at the County AGM. Winners (or runners-up or combination of winners and runners-up) qualify for Pachabo. (Eligibilty for the Pachabo; players must have their County of Allegiance as Cumbria). Green-pointed event. Scoring by IMP's.  Entries consist of a team of 4-6 players with only 4 players playing in any one round.

Eligibility.  Bona fide county club members including those whose County of Allegiance is other than Cumbria or Direct members of the EBU whose County of Allegiance is Cumbria. A Bona fide member is one who has paid their membership subscription to a Cumbrian club for the current year of competiton.

Systems and Treatments Scoring IMP's.  Ties broken by playing four extra boards until there is a winner

Sponsorship.  Pachabo (entry fee and some expenses).

Match Arrangements

The first (top on the draw) placed team will be the HOME TEAM. The captains of each team are encouraged to contact each other and attempt to agree a date and venue for their match at as early a date as possible. In the event that the captain's are unable to agree a mutual date the HOME TEAM captain shall formally offer three dates which shall be on different days in different weeks including one weekend date. If none of these dates are suitable to the opponents the captain of the AWAY TEAM shall offer three dates on the same basis as above. In the event of any dispute the matter should be referred to the Tournament Organiser who will form a sub-committee consisting of the Chairman, Secretary and Tournament Officer which will consider the matter and whose decision is final. The matches must be played on or before the due date specified for each round on the draw - no extensions will be made except if the sub committee deem that there are exceptional circumstances.  The current draw & results will be displayed on this page.

(Suspended clause due to Covid - Normally the home team will be responsible for providing simple refreshments. If a club or other venue is chosen as a half-way point then each team will be jointly responsible for any charges. If the home team chooses its own club as the venue and the opposing team has to travel more than an average of 15 miles per player the home team will be responsible for any table charges, otherwise these will be borne equally.)

The intention is that for the event this year to be played online.  However, if both team captains agree they would like to play the match face-to-face that is perfectly acceptable and then the above suspended clause will apply for that individual match (again by agreement of both teams this may be varied).

Each match will be played over 24 boards in two sets of 12 boards. The home team will change polarity for the second stanza. A victory by 1+ IMP will constitute a win. In the event of a tie a further four boards will be played (and so on until a result is obtained).

Matches will be played without a Tournament Director present. It is hoped that any problems arising will be able to be resolved between the players at the time. In the event that this is not possible you may seek resolution of the problem by phoning one of the EBU Tournament Directors listed on the EBU website. If for some reason this is not possible a full report of the circumstances together with details of the hands should be made to the Tournament Officer immediately after the match.

The winning captain will be responsible for transmission of the result to the Tournament Officer. 

Special Arrangements 

  • If there are a minimum of 8 teams that enter, we will also hold a Plate trophy. Any team losing their first round (or preliminary) match will automatically be entered into the Plate trophy. The format of the Plate trophy will replicate that of the Championship Teams and will be awarded local (black) points. 
  • Also, if there are a minimum of 8 teams that enter, the committee may decide to make the initial draw within regions to reduce travelling times & distance.